Chapter Eight

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"Ivy wake up we're here," Axel said while nudging her to wake up, she groaned not wanting to wake up.

But she did, she fluttered open her blue eyes and looked at Axel who was hauling Ivy's stuff into their apartment.

Ivy decided that she wanted to stay with her brother because she didn't want to stay at the dorms, she wanted peace and quiet and the best place for it is at her brother's apartment.

Ivy slowly got out of her brother's vehicle and started to haul her belongings in the apartment, she looked at the time and it read, 8:32pm.

She and Axel hauled everything in and Ivy started to sort everything out, as she placed pictures of her gold memories on the dresser a couple of tears escaped her beautiful blue eyes.

They weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy, she finally made it here and it has been her dream since elementry school, to become a famous hockey player or a famous artist and that's what Ivy is going to do. Become a famous artist.

A couple of knocks came from her door, she quickly wipied her tears that were on her face, she opened the door to see Axel standing there, tired.

"Just came to tell you, I'm going to bed. So don't wait up for me," He said before yawning, "okay, I'm probably going to get a smoothie." Ivy said and Axel left to go into his bedroom.

Ivy placed the rest of her clothes into the closet and she put her jeans, shorts and her undergarments into the white dresser.

Ivy fixed her shoe rack and put it beside her window, once she did that she placed her shoes on the rack.

Once Ivy was done unpacking all her stuff, she decided to go at Joe & The Juice, first she hated the coffee but she found out that they sell smoothies and she loves them.

She looked at herself in the full body length mirror and she looked decent; Black jeans, a white tanktop, a red flannel that isn't buttoned up and brown ankle boots.

Ivy decided to wear black oakley's, she walked downstairs and quietly shut the front door so she wouldn't wake Axel, she jumped on the ranger rover and started the engine.

She backed away from the parking lot and listened to the radio as she tapped her tumb on the steering wheel, going along with the beat, soon 'New Lie' by Sean Paul featuring Dua Lipa, which is her favourite song came on the radio.

She turned up the lyrics and sanged out the words, she parked the vehicle and got out.

Ivy locked the doors and walked into the small café, she took her sunglasses off and pushed them on the top of her head so her blonde hair couldn't get in the way.

"Ivy! Same order?" The worker, Ella smiled, "Yes please," Ivy said as she dugged out the money out of her wallet.

"It will be two dollars." Ella said behind the counter, Ivy gave her five dollars and got back her change.

"Thanks Ella," Ivy said as she thanked Ella, Ivy sat down at a booth by herself and took a photo to post on Instagram.

Ivyblue: Someone wanna meetup??

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Ivyblue: Someone wanna meetup??

Location: Toronto, Ontario

485 Likes|35 Comments

marner_93: @Ivyblue!! I'll be there

Ivyblue: @marner_93 bring Steph, never seen her in a while!

marner_93: @Ivyblue, omw

williamnylander: omw @Ivyblue

Ivyblue: sure @williamnylander

williamnylander: bringing auston too @Ivyblue

Ivyblue: sure, the more the better @williamnylander

43kadri: so i could come too? @Ivyblue

Ivyblue: sorry, but no old guys allowed😬🤷🏻‍♀️

morganrielly: savage^^😂

bozie42: bro she was taking about you too @morganrielly

morganrielly: were you? @Ivyblue

Ivyblue: I was talking about all you guys😂😬

morganrielly: welp bye world👋🏼 just got called old is so hurtful.

Ivyblue: rip👋🏼

Ivy laughed at the comments, but she was nervous about seeing Auston.

She didn't know why, her hands became sweaty ever time she heard the café doors open.

When she heard the doors open, she didn't look because she was still replying to most of the guys on Instagram.

She heard a group of people and heard an familiar voice that she remembered at the back of her head, Auston.

She looked up to see Steph making her way here while the other boys grabbed something to drink, "Ivy!" Steph smiled and imbrace Ivy into a hug.

"Steph! You look amazing as always, how are you?" Ivy said and they both sat down in the booth.

"I've been great, how are you? I heard about what happen to you and Aust, are you okay?" Steph asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I've been really great," Ivy said showing off her smile, "there they come," Steph said as the group of boy made there way over at the booth.

"Ivy! It's been so long!" Mitch excitely said and Ivy stood up from the booth to hug him.

"I know!" Ivy said smiling, she released from the hug and hugged William.

"Will!" Ivy excitely said, "Ivy!" He said back and released from the hug, she soon face the boy that she thought about, she faced the boy who basically broke her, there stood Auston Matthews.

"Auston, it's nice to see you." Ivy said very calm, "Ivy, it's very nice to see you too." Auston said, while his whole body was filled with excitement and sparks flew once he seen her.

Ivy sat back down, Steph was facing her while Mitch was beside Steph and William sat beide Mitch, the last seat was reserved for Auston, it was awkward as they all sat in silence, drinking our beverges.

"So how is everybody?" Ivy asked as she cleared the air, "Steph and I are doing really good," Mitch said proudly, Ivy wished that she had a relationship like that.

"Well, I've been really good actually, I'm talking to this girl but we aren't dating yet," Wiliam said and Ivy smilied, they all looked at Auston waiting for him to speak.

"Oh, I'm doing really fine," Is all Auston said and they turned to look at me, "I'm doing fine actually, I'm going to start school on September 1st which is excited." Ivy said smiling, Ivy actually felt really proud of herself and how far she has come.

"Are you going to be living here?" Auston asked Ivy, "Yeah, I'll be staying with my brother." Ivy said and took a drink of her smoothie.

"We should all get together sometimes!" Steph excitely said and we all agreed, "shit I have to go." Ivy said looking at her phone, Auston got out of the booth so Ivy could come out.

"I'll see you guys another time," Ivy said before leaving the café, everyone in the booth looked at Auston so he could make a move.

"What are you waiting for? Christmas?" William said and Auston caught on and ran out the café, before she could leave.

Auston looked outside but she wasn't there, he put his head down, in disapointment, "Who you looking for?" Ivy asked Auston who shot his head up and looked at her and smilied.


Hey! Hope you like it! If anyone want's to be the character of Will's soon to be girlfriend message me because I'm having trouble to choose the character lol but see ya!

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