Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Are you settled in?" Ivy's mom, Sarah asked as she walked into Ivy's room to see Ivy darwing.

"Uh yeah," Ivy said, as she still continued to draw, "could I see your drawing?" Sarah asked, Ivy put her pencil down and picked up the sketchbook.

"It's beautiful," Sarah said as she was proud of her daughter, "thanks mom." Ivy said as she started to draw again.

"Well I should leave you to your drawing goodnight kiddo," Sarah said as she kissed Ivy's forehead and walked out.

Ivy's laptop began to ring which was on Skype and Ivy stopped drawing and went to her laptop, she answered the Skype call, which was Kasperi. Ivy closed her door and sat on her bed.

"How's my baby doing?" Kasperi asked as his face appeared on her laptop screen, "I've been doing good, I miss you." Ivy said as she looked at Kasperi.

"I miss you too baby." Kasperi said as Ivy touched the screen, she craved his touch, she craved his lip on hers she craved Kasperi.

"What are you doing?" Ivy asked as she laid down on the bed getting comfortable.

"Just came back from the hospital," Kasperi said with his voice breaking at the end.

"Hey it's going to be okay," Ivy said, at times just like this she needed to comfort Kasperi.

"I just hate seeing her like that." Kasperi said as he looking in the camera with his puffy red eyes.

"I know but your going to have to be strong for her. I know it's hard but don't cry your making me tear up." Ivy said and she wiped her tears away from her eyes.

"I love you, I just wish you were with me," Kasperi said, which made Ivy's heart break.

"I wish I was too, but before you know it we'll be in each other's arms again and it will be okay." Ivy said smiling.

"I can't wait for that day." Kasperi said as he wiped his tears, "me too, what time is it there?" Ivy asked as she put her hand on the screen, she really misses him.

"It's 12:57pm, what about in Thunder Bay?" Kasperi asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"It's 10:48." Ivy said and she yawned.

"You could go to bed," Kasperi said, making Ivy smile.

"You should go to bed, it's one in the morning over there." Ivy said as she chuckled quietly.

"Well let's just go to bed with each other," Kasperi said and he laid on his bed and put the laptop beside him.

"I would go to bed if you were here." Ivy said as she looked at the ceiling.

"Me too, just close your eyes and think of me." Kasperi said chuckling.

"Okay but wait I need to do something." Ivy said and got out her phone.

Ivyblue: I miss you even though we seen each other five hours ago

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Ivyblue: I miss you even though we seen each other five hours ago..☹️💔

Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario

👥: kasperikapanen1


Ivyblue disabled her comments.


Ivy shut her phone off and got comfortable, she closed her eyes as she hugged a pillow wishing it was Kasperi.

Kasperi got an notification on Instagram and he looked at it, smiling at the photo remembering that day like it was yesterday.

"I miss you too babe." Kasperi said as he locked his phone.

"Babe?" Kasperi asked again, he soon heard quiet snores escaping Ivy's mouth.

Kasperi shut his lamp off and hugged a pillow wishing it was Ivy.

"Goodnight my princess," Kasperi whispered as he closed his eyes.

Soon they both were asleep, still on the call.

Hey! Hope you liked it, I wish I had a relationship like Ivy and Kasperi, the story also takes place last year lol but see ya!

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