Chapter Four

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The sound of pans hitting the floor woke me up, and I remember about last night.

I turned to my side and Auston wasn't there, I sat up and looked around.

A fire alarm started to go off and I immediately jumped out of the bed.

I ran downstairs to see Auston, shirtless with only joggers on, while standing on a chair waving a rag around.

"Could you even cook?" I said, the alarm still going off, he was still waving around the rag and the fire alarm stopped.

"No, but I wanted to try," he said chuckling, I shook my head and chuckled.

"We could get breakfast? Tim Hortons?" He asked and I thought about it but I wanted to cook something.

"It's fine, I'll cook since someone doesn't know how," I said, totally joking and he laughed.

"Hey! Not my fault my mom tried to teach me how to cook," he said trying to defend himself.

"I bet your mom tried to show you but you weren't paying attention," I said, taking all of the ingredients out of the pantry.

"True," he said and sat down on the kitchen island, "we'll come over here, I'm going to show you how to cook," i said and he came over to me.

"What are you making first of all?" He asked, and I looked at him.

"Pancakes, their my favourite," i said with excitement, "well I know what to buy you," he mumbled so I couldn't hear but I did, so I just ignored it.

"Now you put the pancake mix in a bowl, you put one cup of water in it and start mixing," i simply said, he wasn't listening so I smacked his arm.

He winced in pain, "ow! Why did you that!" He yelled, "you weren't listening, so now listen. Or else I'll hit you harder," I said and he nodded his head rapidly

"Okay and now once it's done, it should look like this," I said and showed him the well mixed pancake batter.

"Now you hold the bowl and put a bit of pancake mix in the hot pan, you could do two but for beginners you do one," I said and put two pancakes.

"How do you know when to flip them?" Auston asked, I grabbed a spatula and haned it to him.

"You do it, try it. You know when to flip them when all the bubles are gone," i said pointing at the bubles that were slowly poping.

"Okay, I'm going to mess up, you do it." He said and pushed the spatula to me, I pushed it back and he sighed.

"No, beginners always make mistakes, just try." I said and he ran his hand through his hair, he sighed and nodded his head.

"You could do it," i said and played some music, "so i flip them now?" Auston asked and I nodded my head.

Surprisingle he did good by flipping them, "see! I knew you could do it!" I said smiling, "from now on call me Chef Matthews." He smirked and I laughed. "Your dumb," i said joking.

"But I'm your dummy," He mumbled, "what was that?" I asked not hearing what he said, "nothing," he quickly said and i shrugged not worrying about it.

"Where's your clothes?" I asked looking at him, "my clothes were damp, but not my joggers." He said and I walked out of the kitchen and into the laundry room.

I checked his clothes and they were warm and soft, I came back into the kitchen and gave him his clothes, "my brother might come down, so put a shirt on at least." I said and he put on his black shirt that he was wearing last night.

"Pancakes are done," he said and put a plate of two pancakes in front of me.

"Thanks Chef Matthews," I said and he laughed.

"Yes," he said and started to laugh.
"I should get going now," Auston said putting on his jacket, "Okay, so when's our date?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, so be ready." Auston said with excitement in his deep voice, I nodded my head and he left the apartment.

I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on, I went upstairs and quietly knocked on Axel's door.

"Come in," he said and I opened the door, "You just waking up?" I asked.

"Yeah, your boyfriend gone?" He asked and my cheeks started to heat up, my stomach felt giddy but in a good way.

"He's not my boyfriend and yes Auston went home," I said and sat down on his bed.

"Wanna have a sibling day today? I'm bored?" I asked him, he sat up and smiled.

"Sure, we've never had one in forever!" He said with excitement and I stood up from his bed.

"Okay, get ready. I'm going to take a shower and well go somewhere," I said and shut the bedroom door behind me.

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