Chapter Ten

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Ivy woke up to a few knocks on her wooden bedroom door, she fluttered open her eyes and sat up.

"Come in," Ivy quickly said, since she was to lazy to walk to the door.

The door opened and it revealed Auston standing there with roses and coffee from Tim Hortons.

Ivy instantly smiled and he sat down on her bed, he gave her the roses and she sniffed the roses and a beautiful smell filled her nose.

"Thanks for the roses and coffee," Ivy said, taking the coffee out of Auston big hand.

She quickly took a drink and she placed the warm coffee on her nightstand.

"Go on a date with me." Auston nervously said and looked at Ivy, admiring her beautiful features.

"What?" Ivy said struggling with her words, "go on a date with me?" Auston said again.

"Do you think we're rushing things? Like I just forgave you last night," Ivy said while she chuckled nervously.

"One date won't hurt anything," Auston said, Ivy instantly remembered when he said that, that was when they were cuddling in bed but they didn't go on a date, instead they never talked to each other.

"Okay, when?" Ivy asked, "tonight at 6?" Auston asked standing up from her bed.

"Perfect," she said smiling, "but I have to go to practice, be ready at six and dress fancy." He said before walking out of Ivy's bedroom.

Ivy looked at the time, 11:32am. Ivy decided she would enjoy her coffee and watch some friends.

Ivy felt this feeling before, she didn't want to feel it, she promised herself that she wouldn't fall for him again but she's started to fall for him and she needs to stop.
"Glad you called me!" Steph said as she walked into my apartment, Ivy smiled and they both walked upstairs into Ivy's room.

"Your room is so you!" Steph exclaimed, Ivy smiled.

Steph knew something is wrong because Ivy would've said something by now.

They both went into the bathroom and Ivy sat down, Steph brought out the makeup and a straightener.

"You are awfully quiet what's wrong?" Steph asked worriedly, Ivy shrugged.

"When Auston asked me on a date, I felt happy and felt a giddy feeling inside my stomach, it was the same kind of feeling I felt before, I told myself I couldn't fall for him again but I'm slowly falling for him, I don't want to feel this feeling," she said while she fiddled with her fingers.

"If you don't want to feel this feeling, why did you agree on the date?" Steph asked while she started to straighten Ivy's hair.

"Because I like him, well I love him," Ivy said choking out the words, Steph looked at Ivy with widen eyes.

"Love is a strong word," Steph said and continued to straighten Ivy's long blonde hair.

"I know, that's why I don't want to feel like this." Ivy said and sighed.
"There! Your done!" Steph said as she finished Ivy's makeup and hair.

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