Final Day.

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Y/n's pov
{At home.}
"Mom what's this?" I say as I hold up a paper saying something about Kindergarten. "Hm? Oh that! Yeah that's your entry to go to Kindergarten." Wait. Kindergarten. That means I have to leave everyone! "I don't want to leave them!" I yelled out to her.

"I have to, you can't just be in Daycare forever. I'll tell you what. This will be your last day. Then I have to turn this in. You start next month." My mom said. I can't believe I have to leave Ryan and everyone I have met. It seems like it was only yesterday that I have first met Ryan. Memories.

{At the daycare}

"Welcome to another day of daycare...." I say enthused. I walk in and just go to Matt's office. "Oh hey Y/n, what's up?" Matt said. "This is my last day here...." I say sniffling at the end. "Wait WHAT?!" He yelled. I nodded and before I knew it, I was crying. I then feel someone hugging me. I then see the Director hugging me. I hugged back and he wiped a few of my tears away. I smile and went to the play room.

Ryan's pov
Oh boy! I can't wait for another day of daycare! I then see Y/n walk into the playroom all sad and depressed. "Hey you okay?" I say to her. She nods but I see a few tears falling from her face. I wiped them away and hugged her. "Hey you can tell me whats wrong. I'm your very close friend that is closer than a normal friend." She laugh a bit at that. I kiss her cheek and go up to talk to everyone.

"Everyone I have something to say." Y/n then blurted out. Maybe this is what she was gonna say to-...
"It's my last day here." "WHAT?!" Everyone in the daycare room basically yelled. We all hugged her, but I had an idea on how to give her a memory to remember for a lifetime. I hen go to find Matt.

Matt's pov
I am just sorting out papers until I hear a lot of yells saying what. I think Y/n said what she told me. I then hear panting. I look outside to see Ryan catching his breath.

"Whats up?" "Can you teach me to play a guitar?" I was shocked at first that he actually wanted to learn something. "It is very hard than how it looks." "I know! I just want to play a song for Y/n." I then see him do the puppy eyes. Not the eyes. Not the eyes!! "Fine." He jumps up and down in excitement and leads me to the auditorium.

Back to your pov
"Okay guys..... Your squishing me." I say. Everyone let's go and looked around. "Has anyone seen Ryan?" Cookie said. I then saw Ryan not to be found. I look around the first floor and see no Ryan. I get up to the second floor and look around. Animal room? No. Dojo room? No. Library? Why would he be there? Lounge area? No. I then go up and hear someone playing the guitar.

Ryan's pov
"Wow, you actually learned real fast." "I think it's in blood cause my dad can play the guitar real well." I say. He nods and I see Y/n coming from the front of the auditorium.

"I was expecting you Y/n." I say. She sat down to see what I had in-store. I then started the beginning of the song.

-cue song-
I love you too much
To live without you loving me back
I love you too much
Heavens my witness and this is a fact.
I know I belong,
When I sing this song.
There's love above love and it's ours
Cause I love you too much

I live for your touch,
I whisper your name night after night.
I love you too much
Theirs only one feeling and I know it's right.
I know I belong,
When I sing this song,
There's love above love and it's ours
Cause I love you too much.

Heaven knows your name,
I've been praying.
To have you come here by my side
Without you a part of me's missing.
Just to make you my own,
I will fight.

I know I belong,
When I sing this song,
There's love above love and it's ours,
Cause I love you too much

I looooove you too much,
I looove you too much,
Heavens my witness and this is a fact.
You live in my soul,
Your heart is my goal.

There's love above love and it's mine
Cause I love you

There's love above love and it's yours,
Cause I love you

There's love above love and it's ours,
If you love me,
As much.

-end song-

I then hear a lot of clapping. I open my eyes, not realizing I closed them, to see everyone at daycare here. They heard?! Oh no! I then feel something on my cheek. It was a kiss from Y/n.

"Thanks Ryan." "Uh, n-no prob-blem." I stuttered. She giggles as everyone at Daycare cheers.

{Skips to the end of the day.}
Y/n's pov

"Make sure your parent calls Matt so we can arrange a hang out soon!" Genine said. I nod and hug her. Shark gave me a nemo plush to remember him. "Thanks Shark." I hugged him and let go. I then get goodbye gifts from everyone. Danny giving me a duck plushie, Isabel giving me a h/c/g,(Her choice of Gift.) Kitty giving me h/c/g, Sabre giving me some cheese, Matt giving me a hug and a red wolf plush. Pup even gave me a gift, which was a bone. I giggled and petted him.

"Come on Y/n!" My mom says. I give Ryan a kiss and he whispers.

"Remember this is like another day of Daycare."
Here it is! The end of the book! I am so sorry, but I wanted to make the sequel soon. I am sure you guys want to know about the sequeal as well. Anyway hoped you enjoyed the adventures you had with Ryan and the gang and as they say,


Welcome, to another day of daycare! Ryguyrocky x Neko!ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang