Field trip!

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Matt pov
Okay so let's see we have Cookie, Danny, Misuto, Sal, Sam, Derp, Lizzie, Angle, Kat, Blu, Bobby and wait. Where's Ryan and y/n. Ryan usually comes everyday and y/n, well, I thought she was gonna come. Maybe one of the kids know where they are.
"Hey guys. Do you know where Ryan and y/n are?" I suddenly hear screams from the teleportal room. Oh no. Please don't tell me they went in there, have they? "Come on kids, let's see what that noise is about."

Y/n pov
"Phew, we made it back. Now let's go." Ryan said as he is holding my hand. Wait a minute, when did he even get a hold of it? Eh, I'll ask him later. But then as we are about to open the door I hear someone say "Come on kids, let's see what the noise is about." "Oh no! It's the director, hurry y/n, we must go!" I follow him to the upstairs area to find the window he broke yesterday. We jump down and run to the fences. "Um, Ryan? How do we get over the fences and hedges?" "Don't worry, I have a block that can help us. Just jump on the block and we will be over in no time." I jump on the block and go over the hedges. "Wait, I have an idea Ryan. How about we go to the entrance of the daycare and we enter as if we just came here?" "That is not a bad idea y/n, let's go." We run and run until we made it to the entrance. We enter and see Thomas at the front desk. We say hello to him and he says hi back. I ask him if I can ring the bell and he lets me ring it, once. After I finished, we see Matt here with us. "Where were you two?!?" He said, I am actually happy we just came in and I think Ryan is as well.
"Well, Matt, me and y/n just went on an adventure as you like to call it." Ryan said casually. I nod my head in agreement and Matt believed that as well. Wow, I must be on his good side then. "Well then, are you guys up to be playing some games at the Arcade?" "Will there be prizes?" "Yes Ryan there will be." "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" We go back to the teleportal room and as Ryan is done with the countdown, we are off.
When you arrive at the Arcade

Well we are here and, woah, it's so huge. So many arcade games. There's Pacman, centipede, and... And.... Just so much games! This is awesome and is that a..... PARKOUR AREA?! Oh my god, I'm gonna beat so many people here. "Hey y/n. I bet I can beat you at the parkour area!" "Oh your on ryguy!" Me and him dash to the start and we wait for Thomas to ring the bell for us to start. "On your marks, get set, GO!!" Thomas says as ringing the bell and we are off. I am beating Ryan, mainly cause every time he is close, he falls. I'm at the second level soon to be at the third. He made it to the second level, while I am at the third. I am suprised that I didn't fall yet. I'm almost there and.... I..... Made it!! Woo, I beat him! "Who is the best now?" I tease him as I help him up. He smirks and then laughs. I tilt my head a little to question his smirk but then get pushed off. "RYAN!!!!! WHY?!!?" I tell as I land in the water. Thankfully there is water down here. "Y/n! Uh, I thought you were going to land on one of the pedestals." "Well, you thought wrong!!" I get myself out with the help of Danny. "Thank you Danny, I appreciate it." "No problem!" He says as we shake hands. I then feel tired, then I yawn. Matt looks at me confused. "What?" "Did you just yawn?" "Yeah...." "You sound like a little kitten!" He says while petting my head. I forgot that I have a few cat traits in me, so to mess with him, I purr. He jumps a bit and looks at me like it was his suprise birthday party. "Oh my god!! You can purr?! That's awesome!!!" I laugh and asked if we can go to the teleportal so I can go home. He says yes and then as soon as you know it, We are back at the daycare. "Well it was nice to hangout with you guys! Bye!" I say as everyone says bye to me and Ryan as we both leave. I still can't believe he is my neighbor. Maybe we can hang out later. Let me ask him.
"Hey Ryan?" I asked.
"Yes y/n?" He commented.
"What do you think about hanging out later?"
"What do I think? I think that's awesome! What time should I come?"
"Maybe around 2 hours from now, Ryan?"
"Sure! See ya then."
I can't wait for him to come!
I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter and yes, next chapter will be them hanging out. What will happen? Leave your opinions in the comments down below, and see ya guys. Peace!

Welcome, to another day of daycare! Ryguyrocky x Neko!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now