Almost spotted and getting the actual suprise?!

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Ryan's pov
Okay where is wood? I know there is a tree somewhere. Oh, it's right there. I am really oblivious aren't I? Anyway, let's chop the tree with my fist. Since in our world, our hands are able to get wood, apparently. "Hey Shark! I need your help with chopping this tree!" "Coming ryguy!" Shark then comes and helps me get the wood. "Okay now we are gonna make wooden planks and place them on top of each other to get up there. But how are you guys gonna get up?" "Dood, I can get ladders from the nemo gods." Shark says. I guess that's okay. I go to the side and place one block on the other and go up to the roof.

Matt's pov
Okay now let's see. We have the books to give them, but their real suprise is gonna be ready by tomorrow. Reason being? I have a hunch that they are coming back to find out what the suprise is. (Me: Matt is suprisingly smart now. Matt: hey! Me: Its true.)

I then hear the arrows at the entrance go off. "Huh? What was that? Who's there?" I go to he entrance to see nothing. "Hmm, probably the air." I go to the upstairs area to see if those alarms are ready just incase if someone comes. Hey, you never know if someone will come in a daycare and rob it. You got to be prepared.

Back to Ryan's pov
Once everyone is up the roof, we try to open the vent shaft. It was so hard to, until shark decided to use the nemo gods to open it. We then go in. I then see Genine as a Fox and y/n as a cat. (Kitty's OC is gonna have a animal side as well since her name has a animal name. Again, if you don't like it I'm sorry I'll delete this part Lost_Writer_Kitty550) I then see another cat. Wait what?! Another cat? It then talks, like Genine and y/n. "Its me kitty." "Ohh." I say. Then lead the way cause I may have been in here before. Just exploring the place! Anyway I tell sabre to place cheese down just incase we need an escape and we can find our way out. He nods goes back to the entrance, placing cheese. We then are at the green screen place. I then see Matt. "Guys we need a diversion." "I'll go. He'll think that I accidentally got in here and take me out." "And afterwards you can come back up and follow the cheese! Good idea Genine." She then transforms and before she goes down, she says to give me the arrow. I don't know why she wants it but I give it to her and she goes down.

Genine's pov
Okay now let's see, how to get his attention? I know! Sound like I hurt and show my paw as a signal for them to go. I then whimper, pretending I was afraid of the place, and because I put the arrow on one of my paws. I have this ability to not feel pain so I pretend. Unless it's pain from the heart. "Huh? Oh, you where the one that came in?" Matt says. I whimper and back away from him, showing me being terriffied. Which is true cause if this plan doesn't work, I am so done. "Okay little one, let's get you back out side. But first, take care of this wound." He then carries me and takes me downstairs to the infirmary. Once we are there, he sets me in one of the beds. I sit down and wait for what is next. "Okay so this may hurt a bit, so I'm sorry!" He says. Matt then tries to pull the air out and all of a sudden, I feel pain. I whimper again but it's not a fake one. What?! I don't feel pain normally so what's going on? "Sorry!" The arrow is then out and he puts a bandaid on the wound. I crawl on him and cuddle around him. "Awww, you are so adoreable." I feel a hint of sleepiness hit me and then before I fall asleep, I hear Matt say.
"I'm gonna keep you."

Ryan's pov (so many pov changes!)
Okay so now she went to get her wound heal. I really hope she is okay. She literally stuck a arrow in one of her paws! Who wouldn't feel pain?! Anyway let's get back to business. "Guys let's go." "Is she alright Ryan?" "I hope so y/n, I really do." I say, I then hear shark quietly yelling hysterically about Genine being hurt. I chuckle a bit. Man I am shipping them so hard. I then lead them to the stairs and....... Find a dispenser filled with fired arrows and a trip wire. How many security does this place need?! Anyway, I break the trip wire and then we continue our way to Matt's office. We are on the first floor which is great progress! I didn't realise the trip wire in front of me and guess what? I step on it and I am hit with a fire arrow. How great is that?! I hold a shriek of pain and continue on. We are at the entrance and near Matt's office. We hear some whimpering and I see in the infirmary, Matt healing Genine's wound. He may be annoying, but he is like a mother or a father sometimes. Always caring to others, even animals. Even when we tease him, we do it cause we are playing around with him, cause he is our friend. Anyway, enough emotional talk. We go in the directors room and into the cabinets. We then find our suprise! Which is........... Books. Director! Why?! "Why would the director give us books?" Y/n said. She then adds that she isn't complaining or anything. How is she fine with this?! Well then again, I don't know that much about her. Maybe she likes books and likes to read. I'm not gonna judge her. I mean, when I'm in a good mood or in the right mood, I read. (I don't know if this is true or not, I just made this up.) Anyway we leave the suprise just incase Matt comes back and go to the entrance. "Ryan! What about Genine?" "Yeah what about her?" "Is she alright?" Everyone questions. "She will be f-..." "GENINE!!!!! IM GONNA SAVE YOU!!" Shark then says and then walks to the entrance. Oh boy.

Sharks pov
I need to save Genine! She is my very very close friend! Well I may have feelings more then that... Anyway the last place she was at is the infirmary. I go in there to find her asleep in the directors lap. She looks so pretty when she is-... What?! Why am I thinking this?! 'I think it's better off she stays and sleeps. Mainly because she probably lost a lot of blood from her paw and is tired.' I thought. I then go back to the entrance. "Shark! Why did you-?!" "I wanted to save Genine, but she needs to heal up and rest. Let's go." I say to Ryan and then we leave back to our houses.

{The next day. And a long chapter, I think}

Genine's pov (the rest is hers/mine pov)
What happened? Man I had a weird dream. Where am I? In the infirmary of the daycare? Why am I..... Oh no. That wasn't a dream, and I'm in my human form. Where is Matt? Oh umm.
"Hi Matt." I nervously say. I barely notice that he was sleeping and I woke him up. "Huh? Oh hey little.... Genine? What are you doing here?" Oh no. I need to make a lie so he doesn't know I was with Ryan and them searching for the suprise. "I was in my other transformation and wanted to explore more of the daycare, I didn't know there were well set up traps. That's why I had an arrow to the paw. When I heard you, I ran. I was teriffied." It was the truth, kinda. "Oh, okay." "You are really good at being a parent Matt." "Really?" "I mean you care for the kids, even if they tease you a lot. And for pup. Your like mother nature in director's clothing." "Thanks Genine." "No problem Matt." I then hug him and he hugs back. I then hear the similar words of what Ryan says every morning. "Welcome, to another day of daycare!" "Its them!" I say. I try to get up, but I feel a load of pain in my right arm and hand. "Ahhh?!" "I forgot to tell you, your paw may have gone to your real body parts. Sorry for not mentioning it." "Its okay Matt." He then helps me up and carries me to the entrance. "Matt, I can walk." "Oops, I forgot, sorry." "Its fine." He puts me down and I sit on one of the couches. "GENINE!!!!" I then hear then get tackled into a bear hug. "Shark, give her some space man." "Okay director, sorry Genine." I replace speaking by hugging him. He was suprised at first, then hugs me back. "Genine! Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine everyone." "Well now that everyone is alright, I want to give Genine and y/n something." He runs to his office and gets 4-8 books. "These are for you guys." "I love reading! Thank you thank you!" I say. (This is a true fact, I love reading.) Y/n says the same thing and I high five her. "The suprise for everyone, including Genine and y/n is in the playroom, go crazy." We all run in and then we all yell out something we all like. "CAKE!!" We all go up and eat cake. "Matt! Come join us." "Oh, I don't know Genine. What if they don't want me to?" "Well I do. Come on." I hold his hand and take him with us. "Guys save some for Matt. Okay? He did take the time to make this for us." "Okay." We all then eat cake and wonder what the rest of the day will be like.
1714 words in this chapter. I am very glad I made it to this much. And thank you guys for reading! How will you guys feel if I made a chapter containing your idea for that day? Well all you have to do is write you idea in the comments and I will pick one. Even though the rest will be for the next days. So everyone gets there ideas in my story! Anyway thanks for reading and until next time, peace✌

Welcome, to another day of daycare! Ryguyrocky x Neko!ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant