Goldy is Ryan's........

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(So I didn't say it in the title deal with it! I'm sorry, anyway just read and you will find out okay? Good.)

Golden Freddy's pov
Okay I know who this Ryan character is. I need to confront him and y/n, just to make sure if it's correct. "Frederick, I'm gonna confront them just incase if he is." "Okay, and don't call me by my real name, alright Alan?" "Okay."
(They have human names, okay? Since they were human before they were animitronics, I dint know there actual names, so I'm making up some.)

Ryan's pov
Oh man, this is so cool and terrifying at the same time. We are playing a game in real life and those things are actually gonna kill us. "Oh man what percent are we at?" I ask y/n. She said we are at 5% and its 5:28. 5%?! Oh no. We are not going to make it. "Ryan, it's okay. There is a chance that we can make it. There is a 50/50 chance that we can get out alive or stuffed in a suit." "More like 90/10 chance." "Stop being negative. Anxiety is taking over you, you need to have some positivity, even in the darkest times." "Thanks y/n, I needed that." I say and hug her. She hugs back. "Awww!!! That's adorable!" I hear someone say. I pull out the flashlight Genine gave us. I look around the hallways to see chica! "Ahh?!" I try to close the door, but it's jammed! Oh no.
"Hey, it's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you!" The chicken said turning into a human? Wha? "You're not?" "No, we don't want you to go through what we have been through." Go through what they have been through? What does that mean? "Anyway to have proper introduction, I'm chica or Chelsea, the bunny is Bonnie or Bradley. The Fox is foxy or Felix, and the brown bear is Freddy or Frederick." Chelsea said. Wait, why did she say a specific color? I then remembering Genine saying that there is a secret animitronic in this game. "There is one more that you are leaving out, is there?" I say. She looks at me shocked, but nods as a yes. I ask her who is it. "He is Golden Freddy or Alan." "He is the first animitronic with his name that doesn't start with the first letter of there robotic name." Y/n says. Why does that name, Alan, sound familiar? Hmmm. I then hear yelling that sounds like Matt. "Matt?!!" I yell out. "Ryan I was just walking until we saw this golden bear thingy and took the rest in a snap!" "We need to find them!" Me and y/n say at the same time. "I may have an idea of who have taken them." Chelsea said. Matt yelled and tried to protect us, but we told him what happened while he was gone while she was leading us to a room me and y/n haven't seen in the cameras.

I then hear some speaking and a yell of help that sounds like its from Genine. "Chelsea I think we are close....." I say to her. "I know we are close. And we are here. Now to see if my guess is correct." She said and walked into the room. I then see the rest of the gang and a guy that looks so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. "Alan! What are you doing? We just talked about this. Don't do anything to the kids!" Chelsea said. Alan has golden hair with golden yellow bear ears, a black tux with a white apron as if he was a waiter, and some dress shoes. His skin is a pale peach color and his eyes were a brown like mine. (For the sake of this chapter.) "Chica! Your not..... Suppose........ To..." Alan stopped saying what he was saying and looked at me and y/n oddly.

(I may or may not have forgotten who I put in for the girlfriend for sabre, so sorry DX)

"Ryan?" He said and looked at me in shock and happiness. I was confused. (Me: Totally not like you are in most of the episodes..... Ryan: Hey that's Matt! Me: True. Matt: WHAT?! {This is gonna be silly commentary for every chapter.}
"I'm sorry do I know you?" I ask, not being rude. "Well not really, it was long ago. You are my descendent or in other terms, I'm you ancestor, or one of them." He said. WHAT?! He is one of my ancestors?! No wonder why the name was so familiar, I remember when my mom was talking about one of my ancestors which was him! "I remember now! My mom said how you disappeared and was founded in a suit and was murdered by a purple person at a young age." I say and hug him. "And who is the cutie you have here Ryan?" Alan said pointing to y/n. I blushed and told him to stop. I guess this is a trait passed down to us. Got to get used to this. "This is y/n, we are best friends that are closer than normal friends!" I say in a quick but understandable term. "You sure? We all saw the talk earlier." My eyes widen. "Really?! Do you really need to stalk us?" I say. "I needed to make sure if you were one of my descendents and her and the others were, I just heard what they said." He said, pointing to Chelsea. "What? They are adorable together!" She said in a excitable manner. A tint of pink spreaded across mine and y/n's face. "Awww, look who is a shy Ryan? He should be shyguy now." Shark and Sabre said, high fiving each other.

We got some conversating going on, me and Alan, until I heard a singing noise. "As shoot. It's time." "Woah, woah, time for what?" "It's six. We go back to our places." I frowned a bit. I don't want to leave him, he seemed so alone here. I then got an idea! "Why don't you come with us? Join the daycare crew!" I say. Everyone started to agree but then he said what about the others. "They can come along too! Even if they aren't one of our own kind, they are fun to hang out with. Especially you Goldy!" Genine said. "Well, if we all go..... Then alright." We all cheerand go to the security room where the teleportal is. "Arrr, is this be the teleportal? The wall?" Felix said, otherwise foxy. "Yes just might get a bit queasy but you will be fine." Y/n said. "Three, two, one........ GO!!!!!" I yell and we all jump in.

"Ahhhhh?!" We all yell out as we are back at the daycare. We then see the animitronics, but in human form. "Hey, why can I not change into my robotic form?" Fredrick asks. They then try, but it doesn't work. "Wait I am feeling something in my chest." He then puts him hand over his heart and gasps. "My goodness. How is this possible? We are only children souls and we are now....... Actually human?" He says. Genine them goes to feel if there is a pulse or a heart beat and there was. "This is a miracle! The teleportal somehow, turned them back to human." Genine said in a excited tone. "Awesome! But I think I'm gonna go home, and rest. I had a long day and a long mitt yesterday." "Wait, what do you mean?" Matt said after I stated what I said. "Uhhhhhh, got to go! Alan and the rest of the gang can stay at the daycare. Until then, got to go bye!" I say as I go to the entrance. Sabre, Kitty, Isabel, Shark, Genine, and y/n must have caught my drift and ran to the entrance with me. "Wait, did you guys-..."

"Annnnd that, was another day of daycare!" I say as we all run home.
Thanks so much for reading if you liked it, then hit that vote button if you want and leave a comment for any suggestions for one of the daycare adventures. Who knows? Maybe yours might be the lucky one. So I made May have forgotten about who will Sabre like, so Isabel will be his girlfriend. Soory kitty! But if you have another person in mind to have a crush on that is part of the daycare series, messege me and I will start it in the next chapter. Anyways, I'm Bossnine or Genine thanks for reading, and until next chapter, peace✌

Welcome, to another day of daycare! Ryguyrocky x Neko!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon