chapter 54

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Meanwhile back with shredder and his team Magica was currently yelling at Jasper.

 "i told you,  i told you didn't i said "don't touch the Black power Battery or something bad would happen" But what do you do you  touch it anyway  what were you thinking!" Magica shouted.

 "OKAY I GET  IT I MESSED UP  STOP YELLING AT ME!" Jasper shouted back.

 Shredder got in  between them "enough of your squabbling and let us get to the matter at hand." Shredder said making Magica and Jasper stop arguing before  Magica spoke.

 "right well as we know Jasper touching that black power battery unleashed four black rings." Magica explained.

 "we don't know where they went or what they do but we do know that they most likely went to choose wearers like ours did." Jasper added.

 "but will we do should we encounter these new lanterns?" Charming questioned.

 "then we shall destroy them  for now however  we must study this power battery." Shredder said.

 "why?" Jasper asked.

 "so we'll know what powers these new Lanterns will have should we encounter them." Shredder said  before turning towards a cliff.

 "come let us set up camp then we will begin the examination." Shredder said before flying towards the cliff his team following him with Magica taking a quick glance at the power battery before following her team thinking 'i have a bad feeling about this'.

Hey everyone sorry about not updating this story for so long I've been busy lately but I'm back and writing again  mlet me know what you think of the chapter and i will see you all later.

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