chapter 43

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Back in Acme Acres everything was in chaos people are panicking, cars were being tossed around, and buildings were being destroyed.

 it's here we see a familiar Duck in a Orange uniform floating around blasting everything in site.

 "once I find that long-eared pain in the neck i will teach him a lesson he won't soon forget then everything will be mine." Daffy said laughing evilly.

 while this was going on a familiar blue rabbit was hiding behind one of the destroyed buildings.

 "is he still there Buster?" a pink rabbit standing behind him asked.

 the blue bunny now known as buster turned to her.

 "yeah Babs he's still floating there." he said before looking back at daffy from behind the building.

 "but like I don't understand what could have happened to Daffy to make him do this?" a female Loon questioned.

 "i don't know Shirley but what ever it was it has something to do with that ring he's wearing." Buster answered her.

 just then a little pig wearing light blue overalls spoke up.

  "at any case we should keep moving." he said.

 "good idea Hampton let's get going." Buster said.

 before they could do anything the building they were hiding behind was suddenly blown to bits when the smoke cleared Daffy appeared in front of them he then used his ring to block the two exits to keep them from running away he then turned his glare towards Buster.

 "where is Bugs Bunny?" he demanded.

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