chapter 30

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"I'm sorry would someone mind telling me what the heck is going on!" Charming yelled.

 "if you will shut your trap I shall explain." Sinestro said annoyed.

 "I founded the Sinestro Corps shortly after I grew tired of the Green Lantern Corps the Guardians who rule The Core annoying me with they're preaching of peace when I felt like the Galaxy responded best to fear that is when   I found the yellow light and founded my corps in order to spread as much fear throughout the Galaxy as possible now you four have the honor of doing the same." he explained.

 they looked at each other before Charming stood forward.

 "if we join you what do we get in return?" He asked.

Sinestro smiled evilly "why the power to crush your enemies of course" he answered.

 they liked the sound of that and the Shredder spoke up.

 "then we shall join your cause." he declared.

 "splendid then I shall take you to Arkillo he is the instructor of the corps and he shall teach you how to use your rings." Sinestro said as they flew in the direction of the big building next to the Lantern.

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