chapter 15

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"you have five seconds to explain what's going on bub before I start carving you up like a Christmas turkey." Wolverine threatened.

 "first of all I'm not scared of you I have taken on tougher guys than you second long story short  you're here to join our prestigious little Club so you can harness your rage to protect the Galaxy." Gardener explained.

 "I'm Sorry but I'm no hero so unless there's something in it for me I'm out of here." Bane said.

  "okay Bane you can leave and not be able take your rage out on guys who deserve it like Luthor for example." Gardener said this caught Banes interest.

 "okay I am in." Bane said 

"cool about the rest of you?"Gardner questioned.

 They looked at each other then at Gardner.

 "we're in." Michael said.

 "awesome now for the fun part I get to teach you guys how to use your rings welcome to your worst nightmare." Gardener explained with a grin.

Lanterns LightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora