chapter 34

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As the Sapphires and the Indigos were heading to jump city we turn to a 23 year old brunette wearing a black t- shirt, black  jeans,  and blue slip ons walking through a park when he heard a voice calling out to him curious he followed the voice until he found himself in a clearing, he looked around until he saw a white lantern sitting in the middle of a crator.

 When he got close, he heard the voice again, "Cody Andrews of Earth, you have the ability to preserve life in all its forms, welcome to the white lantern corps." the voice said  before a ring flew out the lantern and slipped onto his finger.

 "But be warned, a great threat is descending on the galaxy and you cannot face it alone. You must assemble your own team and assemble the rest of the new lanterns in order to stand against the threat." The voice said.

 Cody's clothes changed into a white and silver costume with a black symble on his chest. As he raised his hand he resided the words that would change his life forever. 

"In Brightest Day, in Brightest night, let my ring shine the brightest light, when  evil comes I will join the fight, the power of the white lanterns is the strongest might!" As he finished three rings set out into the horizon.


Hey guys just to let you know my team consist of Me and 3 girls and we will go and get the other cores to stop fighting. Will we prevail or will darkness fall on the galaxy?!

Once again, go check out TheOrangeClover :)

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