chapter 5

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"Excuse me Mr. Ganthet but what are we doing here?" Kitty asked.

 "you are here to join the Green Lantern Corps." ganthet answered her.

 "who are the Green Lantern Corps?" Ash asked Ganthet.

 "the Green Lantern Corps are are the peacekeepers of the Galaxy each patrolling one of 3600 sectors in the universe all Green Lanterns wear a ring fueled by the green light of will power for centuries the corps has protected the Galaxy from an  alarming number of enemies and criminals and now you have been chosen to join our cause." Ganthet explained.

 "but why us why have we been chosen?" Ash asked.

 "you have been chosen because you each had displayed  many qualities that  made you worthy to wear the rings Ash you  protected your world from many threats and risked your life for many of the creatures you call Pokemon some that you own and some that you don't which made you  Worthy of the Ring, Kitty Katswell you have protected your home town of petropolis and are willing to put your life on the line for the innocent, Sonic you  personally led a small group of freedom Fighters and prevented your world from becoming a mechanical Wasteland, and Danny you protect your hometown on a daily basis despite what people have said about you in the past and you pit yourself against many powerful ghosts every day. Each of you have proven that you are willing to risk your lives for others without reward or thanks and I am proud to induct you into the Green Lantern Corps." Ganthet explained.

 "however we cannot force you to join the corps and we won't it is your choice." Ganthet said.

 the four looked at each other for a minute silently came to an agreement as Ash stood forward  "we're in." He said.

 Ganthet smiled " splendid now follow me i will  introduce you to someone who will teach you how to use your rings" Ganthet said as he turned and flew with the four following him.

 They stop in front of a building were a pig like creature in an armored version of their outfits stood in front of them ganthet turned to them and said "this is Green Lantern Kilowog he will teach you how to use your rings I leave you in his capable hands." Ganthet said before taking his leave.

 after Ganthet left Kilowog turned to them with a glare that sent shivers down their spines " alright you poozers your training begins now" he said.

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