chapter 40

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Meanwhile on the other side of space the green Lantern team was struggling against the Sinestro Corps team. Danny was firing blast after blast of his willpower enhanced ghost ray at prince Charming who simply blocked them with a sword made of yellow energy. 

"Just give up you won't be able to beat me because I'm a far superior Warrior than you." Charming mocked.

 " wow and I thought Vlad had a big ego." Danny said.

 While Danny was dealing with Charming  Sonic was busy with Jasper who is currently wearing her signature helmet. 

"I'm going to take great pleasure in making you suffer you little runt" Jasper said with a sadistic grin.

 sonic just smirked. "that's if you can catch me." Sonic said back before using his ring  to enhance his speed and began to fly around Jasper who tried to hit him  growing  more annoyed by  the second.

 Meanwhile Kitty was busy avoiding Magica's spells.

 "try all you want but you won't be able to Dodge forever." Magica said mockingly.

 Kitty said nothing and just pulled out a blaster construct and fired at magica who quickly made a shield to defend herself.

  Ash however was having the most trouble against the shredder who was treating  his attacks like they were nothing.

 "you have surprised me with how long you have lasted against me but it is time I end this." Shredder said making his way towards Ash  who created a green charizard and had it fire a flamethrower at his opponent.

 To his shock though the Shredder had powered through the attack and destroyed Ash's construct causing him to lose focus and giving shredder the opening he needed he then charged at ash with his bladed gauntlet raised to strike.

 "at last now your doom is at hand  worm!" Shredder shouted triumphantly.

 But before he could strike he was blasted back by a white beam Ash recovered in time to see a white blur tackle the  Shredder into a nearby asteroid.

 Everyone stopped fighting when they heard a crash near where Ash and the Shredder were fighting they turned to were the sound was and were shocked to see the shredder sent flying but what shocked them more was when they saw a man in his mid 20s  dressed in  white spandex  floating were the Shredder was a minute ago.

Lanterns LightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon