chapter 11

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As this is happening we return to Earth to find a 20 year old brunette wearing blue levies, red tennis shoes, blue leather gloves, blue t shirt, and red sleeveless jacket walking around town in a huff when he noticed a bunch of goons following him until he is trapped in a ally way.

 "okay dude  give us all your money and no one will get hurt." the leader said.

 the man look at all them with rage burning in his eyes he was tired of guys like these preying on innocent people and wish to make them pay when suddenly a red ring appeared in front of him. 

"Michael James of Earth you have great rage in your heart you belong to the Red Lantern Corps" the ring then flew onto his finger and he was now wearing a red jacket and black pants and gloves. Michael's would-be muggers looked on in shock and fear as he pointed his ring at them and shot a beam of red energy knocking them all on their backs leaving them unconscious he looked at his fist and smiled he then disappeared and a red light.

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