chapter 33

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As the reds and blues fought we find the Indigo tribe team flying towards earth after training with indigo-1 Fluttershy asked if she could see earth as she was curious about what kind of animals are on it after getting the go ahead from indigo-1 they started heading to Earth.

 as they were making their approach, Clover noticed four violet lights approaching earth as well so she decided to check it out with her team following her. 

 When they got to Earth they saw the Star Sapphires. Clover walked up to the leader.

  "who are you?"She questioned.

  "we are the Star Sapphires, my name is Destanee and this is, StarFire, Fifi, and Gadget. My friends wanted to see how their friends and family are doing and let them know we are all ok." Destanee responded.

  "Funny we came here because our pony friend wanted to see what Earth was like. By the way, I'm Foxy and this is, Clover, Spiderman, and our pony friend I mentioned earlier is Fluttershy". Foxy said.

 Then Gadget got an idea,"Well why don't we do both, after we let our friends and family know were all ok then why don't we help you out?" She suggested.

 Both teams like that idea. "Good idea." Clover said. So they all flew off to Jump City.

Hello guys, go check out my sister's profile she helped me write alot in this chapter. TheOrangeClover. By the way, your probably wondering if I'm including any pairings in this, the pairings will be Ash and Kitty, with hints Ash and Fifi, Danny and Sam, and Sonic and Sally.

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