chapter 53

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Back with our heroes they were currently  tending to the white lantern team  who had suddenly  began to scream in pain.

 "how are they Fluttershy?" Ash asked as she checked on Celestia before she turned to him.

 "well fortunately  they're no longer in pain and are now resting they should wake up any minute." she explained making him smile.

 "that's  great to hear  you're an awesome doctor Fluttershy." Ash said causing her to blush madly.

 "th-thank you." she stuttered.

 "no problem  tell us when they wake up okay." Ash said.

 "okay." she replied.

 before  Ash walked outside where his fellow lanterns  were waiting to here about the white lantern team.

 "How are they Ash?" Kitty questioned.

 "Fluttershy  said that they're fine and should wake up soon." Ash answered.

 "that's good to hear." Gadget said relieved.

 "but what could have it have been to cause them such pain?" Spider-Man questioned.

 "i don't know Spider-Man  but it must have been horrible." Ash said.

 "Well I'm sure that once they wake up  they can tell us what happened." Starfire said  before noticing  Fifi's friends  approaching.

 "oh hello there you're Fifi's friends right?" Nala questioned.

  "Yes we are I'm Buster Bunny." Buster  said.

"And I'm Babs Bunny." Babs greeted.

 "no relation" they said together  as they always do.

"Like I'm  Shirley the Loon." Shirley said.

"I'm Hamton Pig." Hamton said.

"And I'm Plucky Duck." Plucky introduced.

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