chapter 1

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We find ourselves in Pallet Town were we see Ash Ketchum sitting on the roof of his home in a thinking pose when his trusted partner Pikachu walks up to him curious of what his best friend is thinking.

 "Pika Pikachu (what are you thinking about ash)" Pikachu said.

 "I was just thinking about my journey so far." Ash answered.

 "I came so far in many League's and saved the world many times i just wonder what fate has in store for us next buddy." he continued.

 Pikachu looked down in thought for a minute then shrugged his shoulders "(i don't know but i do know no matter what fate throes at us we we will always have each others back)" Pikachu said.

 Ash looked at his friend and smiled "your right buddy no matter what danger lies in the future we will face it together." Ash announced.

 Before anything else can be said a green glow appeared behind them they both turned to see what It was "what is that light?"Ash asked.

 the glow faded to reveal a green ring floating in front of them then they heard a voice coming from the ring "Ash Ketchum of Kanto you have the ability to overcome great fear welcome to the Green Lantern corps." the voice said.

 the ring then suddenly flew onto Ash's finger causing Ash to be covered in a bright light making Pikachu cover his eyes then the light receded to reveal ash in his Kanto outfit the only differences that it is that is green and black  in color including his hat and instead of the usual Pokemon symbol shows a Lantern symbol.

 "okay this is a little weird." Ash said before the voice spoke again.

  "prepare for transport." before Ash could say anything he disappeared in a green flash causing Pikachu to stare at were his friend was standing wondering what just happened.

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