chapter 44

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Meanwhile back in space Shredder stood on a asteroid looking out at the vastness of space his mind wondering back to the battle against the Green Lanterns behind him was his team right now Jasper  was pacing back and forth in frustration 

"we almost had them those green Lantern wimps would've been toast if those weirdos in white hadn't interfered!" she said  angrily 

Charming who was checking himself out in a mirror turned to her "speaking of those weirdos in white I'm  wondering just who they were as they were obviously not green Lanterns." he said.

 " mand not to mention that they were incredibly skilled that one guy tossed shredder around like a ragdoll." Magica added looking away from her spellbook. 

The Shredder turned to his team and spoke " it does not matter who they are for next time we meet we will utterly destroy them and the Green Lanterns." he declared.

 "now hold on a moment who exactly put you in charge?" Charming questioned.

 the shredder looked towards him " I did." shredder said simply.

 Charming glared at him "well I think I should be the one in charge." he said.

 behind him Jasper laughed "you lead don't make me laugh." she said with a chuckle 

Charming turned his glare towards her "well excuse me but I'm actually a prince and therefore I am capable of leading us." he said arrogantly.

 before he could say anything else he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around only to be sent flying into a stone wall Jasper and Magica looked on in shock as Shredder lowered his fist and turned to them "anyone else wish to question my leadership?" he threatened.

  they looked at each other before turning back to him " I'm good with it." Jasper said. 

"me too." Magica added.

  "good now go help Charming up to his feet we are leaving." he ordered

 "leaving where to?" Jasper questioned.

 " to Earth" shredder said.

Hey guys sorry for taking so long to finish this chapter  my writers block came back with avengeance but I finally finished  i haven't had the Sinestro team in my story for awhile so I had the chapter focused on them the fight against daffy with be in the next chapter so look forward to that.

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