chapter 48

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Back with the Sinestro team they continue their search for the energy source the Shredder said would help them crush their enemies.

 "We have been searching this Wasteland for hours and so far we've found nothing!" Charming yelled out in annoyance.

 "will you pipe down your yelling is hurting my ears" Jasper said in annoyance.

 "well excuse me for airing my grievances seriously how does Shredder expect us to find this power source in a place like this." he said.

 "it doesn't matter he wants us to find it so we will if you don't like it then leave." Magica said.

 Charming turned crossing his arms "well pardon me how do we know if this energy source even exist for all we know Shredder could have gotten that signature wrong." He said not noticing the Shredder behind him "would you care to repeat yourself Charming?" Shredder threatened causing Charming to jump in surprise.

 "oh Shredder how long have you been standing there?" He asked nervously.

 "long enough to hear you questioning my orders." the Shredder replied sounding less than pleased.

 " oh um well I'm just saying that we've had no luck  with finding the power source are you sure that it's  even in this Wasteland?" he questioned.

 "yes i am  sure it is hidden here somewhere and once we find it no one will be able to stand in our way" Shredder Declared.

 "hey i found something!" Jasper suddenly called out.

 the other Sinestro's flew to her spot "what is it you found?" Magica asked.

 Jasper turned to them "your gonna want to see for yourselves." she said.

  her teammates did so and were shocked at what they saw " no way  it's a power battery just like ours!" Charming exclaimed.

 "yes only it's colored black instead of yellow." Magica observed.

 Shredder flew closer to the battery "hmm it's energy matches the power signature i picked up." he said.

 " so wait this is what we're looking for?" Charming questioned with a eyebrow raised.

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