False Identities Aren't That Bad

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++++ Guy Who Found Elexus's POV++++

I rode in the ambulance with the girl as Dad drove behind us. She was so pretty. I couldn't stop staring as she layed there, naked. The paramedics were surprised by how quickly she healed. Her cuts basically disappeared and I didn't notice because my eyes were trained on her face. When we arrived, the doctors told me to wait in a waiting room. My dad sat next to me and he sighed, taking off his hat. " Son, what did we get ourselves into with this one?" He asked and I ran a hand through my brown hair.

" I honestly don't know" I answered and ran a hand over my face. Dad clapped his hand on my back and I looked at him.

" I'm going to try to find out who her family is" He told me and I nodded, dismissing him. I sighed and closed my eyes. I don't know who this girl is, but this is so weird.

==== Elexus's POV====

I opened my eyes and I felt weird. I looked around and I recognized nothing. A nurse looked at me with a smile and I sat up. " Where am I?" I asked and she put down her clipboard.

" The hospital. You were found in the woods, naked" She told me and I nodded. " What's your name, sweetie?" She asked and I tried to remember, but nothing came to me.

" I don't know" I answered her and she looked confused.

" How old are you?" She asked and I tried to remember

" I don't know" I answered and she rushed out the room. She came back with another person.

" Do you know this man?" She asked and I shook my head. The man walked over to me and held my hands in his.

" Please remember me, I'm your... boyfriend" He begged and I got confused.

" What's my name?" I asked and he looked depp in my eyes

" Scarlet. Scarlet Johnston" He told me and I felt stupid.

" Scarlet? Scarlet Johnston. Scarlet. Scarlet" I repeated until it sounded natural. I looked at him. " What's your name?" I asked him and he smiled

" Thomas Bellocks" He answered and I smiled.

" The doctor is coming soon. He has answers about your memory" The nurse said and I nodded. She left and I turned back to Thomas.

" So, where am I?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow.

" The hospital?" He answered and I rolled my eyes.

" No fucking duh. I meant which state and city are we in?" I asked and he smiled

" For someone suffering with amnesia, you really know a lot" He chuckled and I pat the place next to me on the bed.

" Come chat with me" I told him and he sat next to me.

" You have, like, 50 questions. I know. But, I'll fill you in on your life on the car ride home" He promised an the doctor walked in.

" Ms. Johnston, you have minor case of amnesia. You remember everything about life. The only thing you don't remember is your personal life" He explained and I clapped my hands

" Five points for Captain Obvious. I didn't realize that I knew nothing about myself" I said, sarcasm dripping from my words.

" Be nice" Thomas warned and I rolled my eyes, laying back.

" Sorry Doc, continue" Thomas told the Doctor.

" So, there is no reason to hold her here. She is perfectly healthy and we can't do anything about her personal anmesia. So, she can be discharged in an hour" The Doctor finished and Thomas nodded

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