This is for Violet

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Tyler's POV

"Tyler, come here, I need your help!" I hear Chase call for me. I run to where I heard his voice and as I walk into the room I see him holding violet with tears streaming endlessly down his face. " oh god Chase, we need to get her to a hospital now." I start freaking out when I see her covered in blood, laying lifelessly on Chase.
"I didn't think I would be saved" I hear a shaky voice and realize she's still alive. We rush to my car and Chase sits with her in the back. I'm speeding as fast as I can as I find the closest hospital on my phone.
"We're five minutes away from the hospital. Try to keep her awake until then." I say but I know it's not that easy. She's bleeding out and I don't know if she'll make it. I hear him whispering something to her that I can't quite hear because my ears are ringing and I can barely focus on driving.
"I'm so sorry that I have to leave you, I love you both so much." She's the only person I can focus on right now. She can't be gone. "Violet, love, you gotta stay awake, you can make it through this" maybe she can't, I think as I see her eyes fluttering, threatening to close themselves forever. Her beautiful eyes that I might never see again. The though makes me push on the gas pedal harder. She can't go, I won't let her.
We rush her into the emergency room and they take her right away. They said she'll be fine and they can most likely fix her wounds.
Then Chase and I are left to sit in the waiting room with tears shedding endlessly. We were so close to her. This is our fault. Why didn't we come sooner.
Chase and I don't talk. We stay silent and wait for news on Violet. It was four hours of tears and completely silence, besides sniffling. They couldn't save her. They fixed all her wounds so she should've been fine? What the hell happened? Why couldn't they save her?
"Why did you let her die. You fixed her but you couldn't fucking save her. Did you even fucking try!" Chase yells, I hear the pain in his voice.
"We believe she swallowed pills. We're not sure yet, give us two more hours and I'll let you know"  the doctor says with sympathy.
"Now you're just fucking lying. You screwed up didn't you?" I say harshly to him. "She was still alive when we got to her. She would've told us if she swallowed anything"
"Sir, I can assure you that I'm not lying. I understand that you're grieving but please be patient and well tell you if we find anything as soon as we get the results." The doctor says and walks away calmly.
"What if she didn't tell us because she didn't want to be saved anymore, Ty. I have no doubt that she's been through hell with the two of them. Maybe she couldn't stand remembering and being scared anymore" Chase says, putting his arm around me. I know he's trying to help but he can't right now. She wouldn't leave us. She can't be dead. I love her. Please be a dream.

It's been two hours of waiting and I now accept that she wanted to die. She had slashes everywhere. She apologized and said she loves us. She was saying her goodbye but we never said ours. The doctor let us see her one last time and god damn. She looks so different. They cleaned her up and now it's just the stitched up pink marks agains her pale skin. Somehow she looks more hurt than she did when we found her.
Maybe she wanted us to save her but knew we couldn't. The test came back, the doctor was right. She took a lot of ibuprofen and a shit ton of other things.

I drive with Tyler, feeling defeated and useless. Guilt and depression wave over me because I didn't help her when there was proof of where she was all this time.
We pull up to the house where we found Violet and when we go back to the room, The sight of her blood breaking every part of my body, causing that kind of sadness that physically hurts every part of your body, including your heart. We look for anything of her that we can hold onto and remember her, I grab her blanket and see a note under it. I open it and go stand next to chase as I realize it's for us. Tears drip down onto the paper and as we finish reading it, I fold it and put it in my pocket and pick everything that we found up. I walk to the car and take out the gallons of gasoline to make room for her items. And to lit their house on fire. They either abandoned her and left her to die or are coming back. Either way, the house is getting burned down. Tyler and I dump the gasoline everywhere as quickly as we can and then meet back at the front to light it together. This is for Violet and for all of her suffering.
Well never forget her.

Authors note- she died. Oops. Sorry about it. My heart hurts. If you want an epilogue for my favorite gay beans, tell me. I'm not sure if I should write one or just leave it at this so for now it's staying at this. Thanks for reading, sorry this was like three times as long as my normal chapters but depression has been inspiring me to finish this finally.

Last thing, message me if you want to be my fren because my frens all left me pretty much when I tried to die. Thanks haha

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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