"I'm Michael"

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"Violet, wake up, I made breakfast" my mom yells from down the hall. I got up, grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to get dress.

"Do the wing correctly or you'll look ugly" I say to myself. I don't know why, but it helps. I go down stairs and my mom tells me to eat again. "I can't mum, I don't want to be late to school" I say as I grab my keys and walk out the door.

This is my first day at my new school and I already want to drop out. When I get to the school, one of the student council members show me to my classes and left me in the hall after. When they left, I walked out the back door of the school, lit a cigarette and began to smoke.

"Aren't you suppose to be in class" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around, it's a guy with black flippy but spiky hair.

"And you're smoking too, you're gonna get caught" he said

"Hopefully suspended as well, what's your name"

"I'm Michael, are you new here?"

"Yeah, I'm Violet"

"Well Violet you don't seem like you're in a hurry, come with me and I'll show you around town."

" What's the worst that can happen?" I think to myself as I put out my cigarette and walk with him. He goes to the parking lot and walks up to his car. A 1967, 4 door Chevy Impala. He could kill me as long as I get the honor of sitting in a 1967 Chevy Impala. I try not to fangirl, but shit. A CHEVY IMPALA.

He shows me around town, the places people hangout, where to avoid, and fast food places. I'll avoid the fast food places like my life depended on it. I'm 86 pounds, I fat enough as it is, I can't afford to gain weight. We get back to school just before the lunch bell rang. I wish we skipped lunch too.

"Hang out with me at lunch." Michael said.

"Was that a question?" I asked

"No, not really, more of a command" Michael replied

"Kinky" I whisper. I didn't think he heard but when I looked up, he winked.

He introduced me to his friends. He has a lot, I can see why, but still. And then we sat at a table as they held multiple conversations.

"Violet, do you want to hang out with us after school" Michael asked

"I have nothing better to do" I replied with a smirk.

"That's the spirit" he said as he nudged my shoulder

A/N: it'll get better, I have everything planned, it's just a little slow in the beginning.

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