Little whore

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Chase's pov

Violet was sleeping and her phone continues to get a call. I didn't want to wake her up because she needs sleep. She's been through a lot. I answer the call and stay silent. "Hey you little whore, you left your stupid notebook here. If you come back I won't show it to anyone but if you're not here within two days I'll make sure everyone you hang out with knows." And then the line goes silent. It was Michael, I can recognize an assholes voice when I hear one. Why can't he just leave her alone, she doesn't need any of this bullshit right now. I don't know if I should wake her up yet. I guess I'll just wait an hour and the we'll deal with this bullshit. I block his number so he can't bother her anymore and go to sleep
At eight in the morning my alarm goes off and I wake Violet up so we can get ready to go to the airport. She goes straight to the bathroom to change and do her make-up. Once we were packed and ready we went to subway to grab salad before we left. The trip there was pretty boring but we finally arrive at the airport and I'm greeted by Tyler. There wasn't much to do at my house so I invite a few friends over and have a small party. Violet was hanging out with one of her old friends Stephen most of the time because she said she didn't want to cock block me and Tyler. I'm trying to let her have a good first day back but she's drinking a lot. Stephens trying to get her to slow down but it's not working well so I have to act like the "father" friend and tell her to chill the fuck out with it.
"I'm fine dude just let me live my life" she says.
"You're less than 80 pounds, you're not fine and it's gonna fuck you up. No more drinking" I say angry. She looks at her phone and walks outside. Stephen followed her so I stayed inside

Violets pov

I got a message from Michael on Facebook saying "I told you to come back, you have until next Tuesday to come back or you will never hear from your mom again. Also I printed copies of your notebook so now everybody knows how much of a freak you are."
I call my mom and tell her. She tells me to send a screenshot so she can report it and told me not to worry about it. She stayed at a hotel a few hours away just to be safe.
I see Stephen coming as a hang up.
"Hey Vi, are you okay?" Stephen asks
"Violet not Vi and yeah I'm good." I used to like the nickname but now it sends shivers down my spine. I know he's trying to comfort me but I wish everyone would just leave me alone for now. I remember when Chase and I used to used the ladder on the side of his house to go onto his roof or sneak out so I head over there. "Stephen, I'll be back side in a little . You don't need to worry just go inside. I need some time." He head to go inside as I climb up the ladder. I sit on the roof and pull out my phone.
'Leave my family out of this, it's between us not them' I text. My phone buzzes
Michael: I'll leave them alone when you come back. I miss my baby girl. I don't know why you'd leave me like that. I'm sorry for getting mad earlier princess, please just come back home.
I reply 'I'm trying to fix my life right now, Michael. I can't come back to you now. I probably won't ever but please give me time and leave my family alone.'
Michael: fine, I'll give you two months. If you're not back her by then, I'll search for you and when I find you I won't be so gentle.
If I were to kill myself now then he wouldn't be able to do shit. He wouldn't be able to hurt me anymore and then he has no need to make my moms life hell. It's the only choice I have. Chase lives in a three story house so I'm sure if I jump it'll kill me. I stand and walk to the edge of the roof. I stare down at the ground ready to end my life. The asphalt on his drive way looks so soothing, it almost seems like it's calling for me. I feel my feet moving closer to the edge. I know this is what I'm supposed to do. I put one foot past the roof into the air as I'm about to finally end all the pain and suffering.

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