I prefer talking

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"I'm positive, Steph. You were a lot more attractive when you weren't acting like a desperate hoe" I say getting up from his lap, walking into the kitchen grabbing a mug. He follows me. "That's quite sad, you know, acting like a hoe and then following me" I continue as I place a kettle on the stove.

He just stares at me watching everything I do. I take the phone and order a pizza because I'm a lazy piece of shit and don't want to cook tonight.

Once the water is as hot as Brendon Urie, I grab a mug and a tea bag and go fucking crazy with my low calorie tea that helps slim my body down and resist craves. Too late for the resisting part, I already ordered a pizza.

"So are you just gonna stare at me in silence?" I question him.
"I don't think you want to know what I'm thinking of, Vi" he says. I cringe at the name. That was Michaels name for me and now whenever I hear it, my stomach churns.
"Why is that" I say, genuinely curious.
"Because you'd just end up calling me a hoe again" he smirks.
"You make it hard to hold a conversation, mate."
"We don't have to talk but we can still use our lips." He says inching towards me. His hand grabbing mine as leans closer to me.
"I prefer talking" I say and I hear the door bell ring as I do. Thank god.
"Hey can you answer the door, I payed for the pizza online already, you just have to grab it." I say trying to avoid contact with the outside world.
"And why can't you?" He asks as we walk towards the door.
"Hello, I'm Violet. I'm anxiety herself disguised in this awful flesh suit." I say pointing at my skin.
"If I answer the door, am I going to get shot again?"

I know that he's kidding because he's smiles and lets out a small chuckle but he doesn't realize that I still feel like an asshole because if I didn't grab that gun, Michael wouldn't have pulled the trigger. If I would've just let Michael take me- if I never left him back in California- Stephen wouldn't have been shot.
"I forgot my tea" I say, quickly dismissing myself walking back into the kitchen, grabbing my tea and then sitting on the counter.

If I go to Michael nobody else will get hurt, we can fix things. He was just a little angry, I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt me.

Half of me wants to go back to Michael to make sure Chase, Tyler, and Stephen stay safe but the other half is still a bitter bitch who'd rather die. I hear the door shut and foot steps coming closer. Stephen walks in placing the pizza next to me and grabbing us plates. He puts the plates too far from me on the opposite counter.

I start to jump off of the counter but his hands push me back up causing my back to lightly hit the wall.
"You look hot when you're startled" Stephen says to my, grabbing my leg.
"Can I just eat pizza in peace?" I ask trying to avoid eye contact, staring at my fingers as they intertwine together.
"You're try too hard when you act like you don't like me." He whispers in my ear.

He pulls me off the counter and wraps my legs around him. Holding me up with one hand and grabbing the pizza with the other, he walks into the living room. I try getting down but I'm small and he has more strength, I give up quickly when I realize I have to wait for him to let me go. He puts the pizza down on our black,  coffee table.

Instead of using the plates he got we just used our hands because fuck plates. He puts on Doctor Who- one of his favorites. It wasn't hard for me to be taken by sleep, I'm not fond of the show. Before I fall asleep I feel him press his lips on my forehead. "Goodnight, beautiful."

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