I'll shoot

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Stephen's POV

A few minutes after I arrive at the pretzel shop to meet Violet, I see her  walking over to me. There was a guy that looked familiar right behind her. We shared I contacted when I realized who it was. I start running and then he grabs her and starts running away from me. I see her trying to escape his grasp but even I know that her fragile body isn't strong enough. I run as fast as I can, my heart pounding, just trying to get to Violet. She won't be able to defend herself if he takes her. I run up the escalator getting a few inches closer to him. He runs into the bathroom and I follow, I look around desperately trying to find her when I hear the door slam and lock. I turn around to see Michael holding a gun to Violets head.
"Move an inch and I'll shoot her. She's a slut, she'll leave you for me when she's bored of you. Stop wasting your time and let me take her." he says. I stand there, unable to move, speak, or process what just happened. Eventually I say "Why are you doing this, she's happy now dude. Let her live her life." He moves the gun towards me now "Michael please" Violet yells and he lowers the gun but tightens his grip on her. "This doesn't involve you, Stephen. Violet is meant to be with me, not a little cunt like you" he growls. He knows my name. How does he know my name?
"Woah. We're not a thing. Violet hasn't been with anyone since you because you fucked her up so bad. I'd take her in a heartbeat and treat her twenty times better than you ever can but she doesn't want to date right now. You ruined her, made her afraid to trust anyone. I'm here to help her so just walk out that door and let her heal, man." I try to reason.
"I can help her heal! Get the fuck out of here and let us go!" He yells and starts waving the gun. Violet looks at me and mouths 'sorry'.
God, please don't do anything stupid.
But of course as I say that to myself she tries to grab the and he aims it at be and a hear it go off

Violets POV

The gun shoots in Stephen's direction and he falls to the floor. "Michael what the hell!" I scream and he lets me go. I run to Stephen and I see Michael unlock the door and leave. I pull out my phone and call for an ambulance. "Lock the door till they come, he might come back for you." Stephen whispers. The gun shot wound is in his shoulder so I'm hoping that he's okay. I do the only thing I can do at this point to stop the bleeding. I take off my shirt and apply pressure to the wound. After about five minutes of waiting, Stephen starts fluttering his eyes trying to stay conscious. A manager comes into the bathroom leading the paramedics in. I go to the opposite side of the room and sit in the corner watching them put him on a stretcher. It suddenly hit me, Micheal came back. He could've killed me but he let me live. I have Stephen's blood on my hands. I have no shirt on and all I can do is just watch as they start to take Stephen away. The manager comes over to me and tells me that they're taking him to a hospital and then gives me a card with the address and leaves. I stay there, staring at the wall and realize, Michael wants me to suffer. That's why he didn't shoot me. His intention was probably to shoot Stephen the entire time, but how would he know about Stephen? They manager comes back in with a shirt and hands it to me. "I'm Jenna" she says holding out her hand to help me up. I go to grab her hand but then see the blood on mine. "I'm Violet, I have blood on my hands." I say as I put my hand down and get up myself. I walk over to the sink to clean off and then put the shirt that Jenna gave me on. Once I'm done she tells me to follow her but I decided to decline so I can go find Tyler and Chase and go to the hospital.

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