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Violets POV

Day 1: I arrived about half an hour ago. They made me take off all my clothes and they examined me I guess. They weighed me, I was 82 pounds. That's gonna get fucked up now. But here I am, writing all this down in a dumb little journal. I decided to do this because I have nothing better to do. They took away my phone so all I have now is clothes. There's a drawer in my room so I put my clothes in there.
My first conversation today:
"Here's your food" I notice the steak
"I'm, um. I'm vegetarian"
"Well while you're in here you aren't so stop complaining and eat your food, fat ass."
Thanks for sending me here, Michael. I didn't eat the steak and when the guy came back, he seemed annoyed. "All you fucking white people are ungrateful for what you have. Honestly you don't need to eat that steak because you're so fucking fat, you piece of shit." He takes my plate "and don't ever tell anyone about this conversation" he says at the door and I, the queen of dumbass said "well what if I do" and for that, he slapped me in the face and left. Calling anorexic people fat, that's gonna help us a lot, right? Also I'll let you know something that left me questioning my existence. He was white as well.

I probably won't write in this every day but I'll try. Two months in here, with that guy. I'd kill myself right now if I could to be honest.

Day 2: I was woken up by a girl with wavy brown hair an green eyes.
"Hey sweetheart, Matthew, your care taker that you met yesterday is taking this week off. I'll be here until then." I think I want to tell her what he said and did because she seems so nice but that can wait for now. She hands me a plate of food, there was no meat this time. "On your documents it say you're vegetarian, is that correct?" She asks. I nod. "Okay well we're supposed to make sure you eat it all, but I think I trust you so I'll just leave and come back in ten minutes."
I eat four straw berries and then grab one of the gloves that they use when doing checkups. Apparently they do them weekly. I put the rest of the food inside of it, tie it up and then put it in the lid of the toilet seat. She comes back and grabs my plate.
" you seem to be eating normal to me"
"I'm not anorexic, I had a flu that caused me to throw up whenever I ate. I got over it three days ago." I lied, hoping that would be enough to get me out now.
"If you gain weight then I'm sure they'll let you out in a month. I'm sorry you're in here.
"That Matthew guy," I began "he tried to make me eat meat and called me a fat ass."
She stared at me so I continued, "he told me not to tell anyone and I said what if I do and he slapped me" 
"Maybe you should've listened to him" she said as she left the room. I dumped the food into the toilet end went to bed. I fucking hate this place.

Day 29: I know I said I'd try to write in here every day but the days were dismal. Matthew came back the day after I told the girl what he did. If I didn't tell, she would've stayed her the whole week, it was a test set up by Matthew to see if I'd tell. Of course I did because I fuck up everything. He punched, kick, and raped me. He told me I was fat and worthless. He made sure I was in constant pain and did some other thing I don't feel comfortable writing down or even thinking about. Because he left bruise everywhere, he had me keep my clothes on when the people came to weigh me. I was able to put weights in my bra and pockets and I got up to 98 pounds and they told me I could leave tomorrow. I called Michael and asked him if he'd pick me up tomorrow, he said he will. He never came to visit me. I wasn't that excited about leaving anymore, yeah I could get away from Matthew but I feel super depressed now. The month that I was in her felt like a year. It was terrible but I'm out of her tomorrow. I think I'm done writing in this now.

Just kidding, Matthew made sure that my last night was the worst, the things he did....  I can't write down. At least not right now.

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