You're drugged

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Violets POV

The ride there, in reality was only about six minutes, but to me it seemed like at least half an hour. Once we arrived I got Stephen's room number from one of the nurses. She told me only one person could go in at a time and that he's awake but he needs to rest. Chase and Tyler let me go in first and as I walk in, my heart races. My legs feel weak when I see him, none of this would've happened if I didn't leave Michael. "Hey now I can say that I took a bullet for someone I love" I hear Stephen say when I noticed that I sat in the chair next to him bed.
"Shut up, you're supposed to be resting" I say
"A simple 'thank you' would've been nice" he says smirking
"A simple 'thank you' wouldn't be close to enough" I argue
"Maybe a kiss then?"
"Stephen, you're drugged. Go to sleep"
"Only if you stay in here with me, it's boring here." he says. So I stay there with him until he falls asleep. After, I leave and pull out my phone

Why'd you shoot him, you could've just forced me to go with you but you hurt him, why?

Michael: Forcing you to come with me would've been too easy. I'm making sure you know that your life is in my hands. Careful who you trust, dear.

He confuses me. Why'd he come all the way to Australia if he was just going to shoot Stephen.

Violet: Hey, Jackass. Are you still in Australia?

I'm not gonna live my life afraid of him.
I head home with Chase to grab clothes and shit for Stephen and the back to the hospital where the smell of death lingers everywhere I go. When we get back Tyler told us that the doctor talked to him about releasing Stephen in a few hours because the bullet didn't cause much damage. I go into Stephen's room and give him his clothes and put everything else on a chair.

"The doctor was talking to Tyler about releasing you in a few hours." I say quietly. It my fault he's in here. He just nods and we sit in the room without saying a word to each other until Chase asks to talk to him alone.
An hour goes by and he's still in there but that's okay because Tyler's distracting me. He writing things and asking if they sound good to me. He's good at what ever the fuck he's doing. It's getting close to midnight and I feel myself being taken by sleep. I can se Tyler's eyes start to flutter too but then I see the doctor walk into Stephen's room and then back out in like five minutes and makes his way over to Tyler and me.
"You're both with Stephen, correct?" He asks dryly.
We both nod.
"We'll be releasing him in about an hour" he states and the walks away. His down was dismal, maybe I'm being dramatic but he didn't seem happy to be talking to us. Then again who would enjoy socializing with people. But the words Michael said
Careful who you trust, dear. It makes it hard to trust anyone.

A/N: I don't want to go months with out posting but I can't stay motivated right now. I'm pretty sure this chapter suck, ill probably rewrite it or delete it completely when my brain stops being a dick.
Anyways thank for reading, my Lovely llamas. Don't forget to comment and vote c:

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