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A/N: Make sure you have holy water before reading this. Also don't forget to comment and vote ❤️❤️

Michaels POV

It's been two month since Violet had a real conversation with me. She still lives with me and goes to school, but she's quiet. People found out why she was gone for a month and rumors began to spread so fast. They were making up reasons why she was anorexic. I think she still is. She only eats in her room and she could be throwing it away. She moved her stuff out of my room and into the guest room. She doesn't come out often. Sometimes I hear her on the phone with a guy named Chase, I think. Chase. I forgot to ask her who he is. Is she cheating on me? Are we still dating? I go to her room and open the door. She was on the phone.

"Who are you talking to" I ask curiously.
"Just my friend Chase" she replies. "You're fucking kidding me right? We have one fight and you give up on me for this guy? I thought we ha...." She interrupts me "So Chase is gay." I realized that I fucked up "Chase, I'll talk to you later. My boyfriend is being dramatic." I definitely fucked up. "I'm sorry, you've been ignoring me. I thought you hated me and were going to leave me for him"
"I needed someone to vent to. I didn't have a very pleasant time at that shitty place." She said
"You could've vented to me, Violet. I care about you so much."
"Michael, I honestly can't right now, trust me." I look on her bed, there's a journal by her. I sit down next to her and grab the journal. She tries to grab it from me.
"What is it?" I ask as I pull it away so she can't take it.
"It's none of your business, give it back!" She yells as she starts to cry. I open it.
"Michael give it back" she scream. I run to my room and lock the door and read it.
God what did I do I ask myself. She's like this because of me. This sick bastard was able to do all of this because I sent my little princess there. I walk to her room. it was unlocked, I found that kind of surprising. I go to the bathroom door. Locked.  Of course I wouldn't be lucky twice. Only one unlocked door for me. As I unlock it I see her cutting her wrists. I grab the blade from her and flush it down the toilet.

"I told you not to do that any more, you can't go back to that Vi." I say wrapping my arms around her.

Violets POV

"Stop taking everything from me. I'm my own person, stop trying to control me" I scream. He grabs my throat hard. "I wouldn't let my little princess hurt herself, now would I?" I turn away. "Look at me when I'm talking to you." He says harshly and starts choking me. "Say you're sorry." He demands "I'm sorry Michael." I say loud enough for him to hear. "That didn't sound sincere, I guess I'm just gonna have to punish you" he say as he starts unbuttoning my pants. Why is he acting like this now? He used to be so sweet. "Michael please stop, I don't want to do this" he punches me in the stomach. "You didn't fight Matthew, why are you being a bitch to your own boyfriend?"
"You're not my boyfriend anymore you piece of shit" I say while trying to push away.
"Good, then I don't have to play nice anymore, take off your clothes or I'll beat the shit out of you"
"I actually like this outfit so..." Before I can finish, he punches me in the face. He grabs a pair of scissors from my drawer "fine, we'll do this the hard way" he whispers in my ear while cutting of my shirt. He unlocks the door, opens it and pushes me out. He pushes me on his bed and opens a draw underneath his bed that I never noticed. He pulls out a rope and ties me to the bed. He take his clothes off and slams his dick inside me
"Michael, please stop" I whimper
" you asked for this you slut. If you don't start enjoying it then it'll get more rough" he said as he dug his nails into my ass.
"Say fuck me harder, daddy" he demands.
I reply saying "fuck you, you fucking bitch"
"Fine, once you say what I told you, I'll stop biting you" and then he bites down on my shoulder. It hurt so bad. I try to stay strong, but he's not giving up. I feel blood roll down my should and decide it's not worth it. "Fuck me harder, daddy" I say with defeat and he release my skin and then shoves his dick in my mouth. I bite it and his eyes widen. "Karma, you fucking asshole"  I say with a smirk
"You little cunt" he yells after he gets his shit together. He starts punching and kicking me and since I'm tied up, there's nothing I can do. I take each blow and try my best to cry as little as possible.
"Violet, babe wake up" i see Michael and start to freak out.
"I heard you screaming and yelling so I woke you up, what's wrong?" There's no way that was a fucking dream. I check for the bite mark but there was nothing there. That seemed so fucking real. What the fuck is my mind.
"Sorry, just a bad dream" I don't want to explain anything, that could be a sign to not tell him so I just stay quite and go back to sleep.

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