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"Violet what the fuck are you doing" I hear someone yell from behind me. I turn around and see Stephen.
"Just thinking why?" I say hoping he'll just leave.
"You're standing awfully close to the edge. Come here." He's treating me like a child. I know I'm close to the edge. I'm trying to go completely of the edge but he's interrupting me. Why does everyone want me to continue to suffer? I push myself off but before I start falling I feel a grip around my ribs and I fall back onto Stephen. "You're fucking kidding. Why would you do that? Jesus Christ, Violet.
He sounds so upset with me.i didn't mean to upset him, I just don't want to stay here anymore. I'm tired and weak. I don't know how I'm still alive with me weight being so low, I wish I'd just hurry up and die. "Violet are you even listening? Why did you do that?" He says again. "Im sorry but keep this between us please. I don't want Chase worrying about me." I say realizing that I fucked up.
"First tell me why you did it"
"I came here to forget about what happened, not to explain it and have everyone know again." I say trying to hold back my tears. He puts his arm around me and I place my head on to my knees. I don't feel like talking. I don't even feel like living and he's not making it any better. I know he's trying to help but I want to be alone.
"Stephen what are you guys doing up here?" I hear Chase now. God damnit I'm screwed. "Violet wasn't feeling well so we came up here to get away from the crowd and to get fresh air. Are you okay Chase?" Stephen didn't tell? I'm so fucking shook right now. Thank the Lords for him not telling Chase. I am so fucking blessed right now.
"Yeah I'm good, thanks. I just haven't seen you guys for a while and I know this is one of Violets favorite places to be. Stay safe." He looks and me "and stay alive" and then he leaves.
"Why'd he say stay alive?" Stephen asked.
"It's a band thing, nothing major." I reply
(Best friend points if you know what band/person said that)
The rest of the night we talked. And around eleven when every one left, Chase and I watched Alice On Wonderland until we fell asleep.
In the morning Chase made me eat an orange. I stayed in bed most of the day because I can't see the point of doing anything. My life is pretty much meaningless at this point. I try to act as happy as I can do Chase doesn't worry about me. I see Tyler walking up to the door step with Stephen. This is how it used to be. Just me, Chase, Tyler, and Stephen. I messed it up by moving but now we're all back. I open the door when I hear them know and notice a black box in Stephen's hand.
"We decided we wanted to play Cards Against Humanity but we need more than two people so you guys are gonna play with us." Tyler explains to me
"Chase, Stephen and Tyler are here." I yell as we walk into the living room. We play until there was no chance of winning and Stephen's pile of black cards were more than half of the deck.
"Lets leave Perth and go to Lancelin" Chase says
"Babe, that's almost two hours of driving" Tyler says to Chase
"It's called an adventure, don't be such a downer" I tell Tyler. We all rush to Stephen's Jeep after grabbing food and other things we need and head to Lancelin.

A/N: I'm going to be super busy between school and our musical so I'm sorry if I don't post often. I'm feeling better about life kind of so I'll try to post more often but I'm really busy right now. Thanks for reading my book, that's super cool. Don't for get to vote, comment and stay alive. |-/

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