My princess

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Violets POV

Last night when his lips landed gently onto my forehead I knew that if I stayed he would get hurt and Michael would make sure we would never be happy. I'll go to the place Stephen was shot and surrender, I'll take the blows he gives me so Stephen, Chase, and Tyler stay safe. For this month I will live free before I go back to him.

There was still pizza in the fridge so I grab a small piece and put it in the microwave and grab a glass of water. While waiting, I text Michael saying that I'll follow through and meet him at the mall in a month.

Instead of going back into the living room, I head to where I can be alone, depressed, and possibly throw away unwanted pizza if I get full. As I enter my room I see a small pastel pink dress on my bed. I put my pizza down and pick the dress up from my bed, underneath it was a purple envelope with a glittery blue castle on the front. I sit down on my bed and open the envelope and pull out a piece of paper that read:
"My princess need a dress to remind her how beautiful she is, wear it when we meet again, love.

I immediately put the dress on the top shelf in my closet so I won't be reminded of him until it's time to go. Knowing that he somehow got into my room made my stomach feel uneasy and I suddenly lost my appetite. I place the pizza on my night stand and decide to repainted my nails so nobody notices that they're discolored again. Everyone thinks I'm getting better, which is kind of true. I'm not as bad as I used to be but I would be if they'd leave me alone about eating.

I know they're trying to help me but it makes me feel fat and sick. I'd rather die skinny tomorrow than live to become overweight. Maybe I'll die before the end of the month, then I won't have to go back to Michael.
Actually Michael wasn't that bad, he was nice and treated me like I was the only girl that ever mattered. He made me happy before Chase came. Maybe he didn't mean to hit me. What if he was trying to apologize when he tried to take me before Stephen interfered

Michael never forced me to eat. He was nothing but good to me.

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