I watched on as another girl who looked alot like her asked her something. I watched as she waved her hands explaining something.

She was looking for the bracelet. Why did I flatter myself into thinking I was the one she was looking for?

A girl like her could never spare a guy like me a second glance that's why I wouldn't bother getting close to her or allow myself be friendly towards her.

But that was just wishes because at 3 am,she crept into my thoughts and deprived me of sleep.

The first day I saw her come out of that car,I knew she was trouble. A beautiful kind of trouble.

When she offered me a job to work for her,the little pride I had was something I planned to keep.

But then that little accident occurred and I was desperate that I forgot about the so called pride.

It was a life-death situation. So many things were at stake. My family,my life. I made lots of bad choices and now they were catching up to me. There was no escape.

I watched as she laughed as something her sister said and they turned and left.

I opened my hand which revealed the bracelet. I held unto it because it was a part of her. A part of the girl that fascinates me.

When I saw her faint the other day, my heart stopped and fear washed over me. I had no idea what to do.

So I did what any reasonable person would do, I carried her,called a cab and took her to the nearest hospital.

I sat by her side all night when she was unconscious. When I felt her finger twitching,I immediately slipped away and called the doctor.

Even as her face was pale, she looked beautiful. That innocent kind of beautiful.

I needed to keep my distance,I knew.

I was trouble. If they ever find out I had another weakness apart from my family,they'd come after her too and I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to her.

She was out of my league and I needed to keep it that way.

When her family members came and left, I watched through the small window at the door as she looked so lost in her thoughts.

When she raised her eyes, I quickly moved and left without looking back.

The doctor asked why I didn't want to see her. I just shook my head without saying a word. He wouldn't understand. No one would.

I put the bracelet in my pocket and decided to leave for home early. I needed to check on Umma.

I changed out of my work clothes and told one of the workers Sani that I was leaving early.

I hailed a tricycle and told him my address.

I arrived at my home which was on the outskirts of Area 10.

A two bedroom apartment I shared with my mother and two siblings. There was nothing special about our home. A kitchen, a bathroom and a small living room. Umma and sumayya occupied a room while I and Khalid occupied the other.

I was the sole provider for my family. With Umma sick, and that man gone...

That man who abandoned us. The man who let our lives crumble. The man who left us with so many debts that have not yet  been settled. The man who exposed us to this danger...this danger that threatened to harm my family.

The day I set my eyes on that man that ruined our lives,the man that broke my mother and left her sick...

I'd rather not dwell on that. It was all his fault. And right now he's out there...God knows where. He should better stay away. He had caused enough damage.

I walked into the living room. Khalid was infront of the old sharp television watching some show. I don't know how he keeps watching when the signal was poor and he had to keep on adjusting the Arial.

I ruffled his hair and asked why he wasn't in school.

"He was sent back." Sumie replied. I didn't notice her perched on the old brown crouch a novel in her hand. Her glasses which was broken held only by a transparent tape hanged loosely near her nose. I keep on forgetting to get new ones for her.

"Why?" I asked. "I thought we paid the school fees."

She shrugged. "It was half remember? They said we have to complete it before he is allowed to resume classes."

An impending headache was building up. "How much is the balance?"

"Three thousand."

"Okay I'll find something tomorrow in sha Allah."

"Thank you yaya." Khaleed who I thought his attention was on the tv said.

I just smiled at him.

"Where's Umma?"

"She's in the room with Aysha."

I nodded and went to check up on her.

Aysha was our neighbor and a childhood friend. We practically grew up together and she was like a little sister. But as she grew, she expected more from me which was something I couldn't handle. I just kept my distance.

"Assalamu alaikum." I greeted as I walked into the room.

Aysha quickly grabbed a hijab and put it on. I acknowledged her with a nod and moved to sit on the bed beside Umma.

"Umma,How are you feeling?" I asked concerned.

She tried to sit up and I helped her, putting a pillow by the headboard for her to lean comfortably.

My heart broke at the sight of her. My once happy mother full of life had become a shadow of her self. Her once bright brown eyes held no light. She lost a great amount of weight these past few years. She looked much older and I clenched my fist in anger as I thought of the man who killed my mother's light.

As if she sensed my rage,she put her frail hand above my clenched fist and soothed it. I felt myself relax and gave her a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

"I'm doing well Yazeed. Don't worry about me. Focus on what you're doing." Her voice shook as she talked as if she was about to cry.

My heart clenched..

I just nodded as I held her hands in mine. I made a silent prayer. A determined one. I was going to get our lives back in track. I would make it and give Umma the best medical attention she deserves. Ya Allah please make it easy for me!

"Now tell me about your new work." She said.

I told her and she listened intently. Nodding and smiling.

"Allah yayi maka albarka." (May Allah bless you.)

"Ameen Umma."

I kissed her forehead and told her I want to go and pray.

I dragged Khalid from the television and we strolled to the nearby mosque. After prayers,we walked back home and I plopped on my bed,wondering how she was feeling...


[A/N]: Hey guys!! What's up? How are you? How's everything? Hopefully all is well.

Another update yayy😁
I know I tried.

So a glimpse into Yazeed's head and life🤔
Where's his father? And why did he leave?
What danger is he caught up into?
Well..only one way to find out🙃

Your lack of votes and comments discourages me making me almost lose interest in the book☹
So please take just a second and vote...Thank you ❤😊


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