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Marcos POV:

just smiling at Jackie gave me the smallest heart . how could I be happy when 1- I'm in love with my friends 2- my best friend is killing her self- WAIT A SEC IM IN OVE WITH STAR , IS THAT RIGHT? I look down at Jackie as she was lying on my lap . 'Marco what you thinking about?' Jackie asked looking up at me . 'oh just star- I mean stars' she gives me a pissed look , she wasn't very fond of mine and stars relation ship . 'ok macro , I think I'm goanna go , call me when you are thinking about something else.' she leaves me in the living room . I was kinda happy she was gone , I just wanted to see star. I sprinted up the stairs .

'Marco help.' Janna said pulling the door 'star sent me to go get rid of her cutting things and she locked me out and she has the blades !' I freeze , loud screams became faded , Janna screaming and trying to open the door became nothing . I was in a picture in my mind

*Marcos mind*

(in his mind its 4 years later so they are 20/21)

I walked into a dark house , I was wearing black . Jackie and Janna stood by my side . 'Marco I'm so sorry' Janna says holding my hand 'its not your fault ' Jackie says kissing my on the fore head . 'but it is my fault , I knew what star was doing and I never checked on her ! she bled to death because of me .' I brake down and run up stairs with Janna.

'Marco , listen , its not your fault , you weren't hear , you cant beet yourself up over this.' Janna. hugs me 'tom is waiting for me out side ,I gtg.' she releases the hug and walks out the door.

*end of Marcos mind*

suddenly the screams come back . 'MARCO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING COME AND HELP!' I rush to the door and start pulling it . we finely get it open . 'star?'

stars POV:

Marco and Jackie stood in the door way . I grab a towel and cover up . 'Marco , Janna get the hell out of my bathroom!' I says rapping my hair up in a towel. 'I didn't know you had a bathroom?' Marco said all confused . 'CAN YOU PLEASE GET OUT , I WAS IN THE TUB!' 'then why were you screaming?' Janna says with a sly look 'the soup in my cuts really hurt. now get out.' I point to my broke down door and the leave.

' I did it' I say turning to my phone, I look down at my stomach , a giant cut is drawn side to side

'great well ill speak to you tomorrow , happy lying.'

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