[11]My Dead Boyfriend Jumped Through My Window. Wait, what?

Start from the beginning

"So ... Starting NOW we are officially talking about it," Demarkis said. He was trying hard not to smile, I could tell.

"Uh ... So, what's so weird about my powers?" Ethan asked.

"Well, for one, you got them so early. No vampire has been known to be gifted as quickly as you had in the last .... five-hundred years. Didn't Kailynn say that your dream-walking gift happened even before you came to her house?" He nodded. "Then, that's right after you turned. That's probably the most quickly someone has been gifted. And, second. You're powers are extremely rare. The dream-walking, shape-shifting, and memory-showing. Only royals have been known to get them, and no royal has been gifted with them in ... a very, very long time."

"Wait, royals? What do you mean?" I asked.

"There are royals. They are the most special vampires. They share power over the vampire world. They make laws and such," Johnny said.

"Oh... Like laws on... what?"

"How much blood a vampire can drink from any human in a month. Or how many people you can tell. And that you shouldn't tell your family if you continue to live with them."

"Wait...Vampires can still live with their family?"

"Yeah...If their family doesn't think the person is already dead...," said Ethan. I noticed he was talking about himself.

I gave him a sad look and wanted to hug him and make him feel better. But DeMarkis started talking again and I wanted to pay attention.

"Also there are laws stating that some vampires can't even drink any human blood more than three times a year because there are so many vampires living in that area. I wouldn't really mind living there. Ha," he said and stared into a cup I hadn't noticed he had.

He lifted the cup to his mouth and the moon reflected off of it and I could see that the liquid inside of it was red. He was drinking blood. In front of us. With two HUMANS. Um... Inconsiderate much?

"...Um. That's ... That's human blood?" Austie asked nervously.

"Oh no, dear. This is deer blood. I don't drink human blood. Except to change them into vampires."

Oh yeah. Phew. I forgot that DeMarkis was a 'vegetarian.' Well that's not as inconsiderate anymore.

Then Ethan asked, "So ... Wait, what does that mean if I have these rare and early gifts? Or is it just weird?"

"Um ... It could be just weird. Or it could mean that you're the first Vamprire King in three hundred years," DeMarkis said, taking a quick drink of the blood and setting it delecately on the table.

Every one was silent and DeMarkis looked up from his glass and noticed that everyone was staring at him.

I didn't know what to say. Ethan? A king? Um ... That would be awesome, but ... a King?!

"A what?" Ethan finally said.

"Vampire King. They can run the Royal and The Council. Like a normal king, except vampire," said DeMarkis.

"So...I could be a King? A Vampire King?"

"Well you probably are one. I need to consult with a few of my friends about it, but still."

"My boyfriends a king?!" I exclaimed. Then whispered, "That's awesome..."

"Ha. Yeah. That is awesome ... What's the big deal about prince's?" asked Ethan.

"They decide what to do with the other creatures. Like werewolves, fairies, witches, the Vampire King controls basically all of them. "

"Do I...When do I become Vampire King?"

"Well...If we find out that you're already the prince--oh by the way, we'll need a sample of your blood for that--, you'll have to get married before you can start making decisions about anything in the Council."

"I have to get married?! To who?!"

"We have a lot of beautiful royals in which you can marry. You're not forced to marry a royal, but you will get more respect for it. And you have to marry a vampire. The woman who you marry will become the Vampire Queen ..."

"What about me?!" I screeched. Ethan was going to marry a Royal, and if not that he has to marry a VAMPIRE?! Where would that leave me?

***** Short. I have barely any time this weekend because some of my family is coming for the Fourth Of July. (:**********









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