Chapter 13

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"Secure the perimeter make sure none of the hostiles reach a 50 feet radius." Steve barked to the communications, no response was said but still understood. They ran across the city streets, luckily the place was deserted. No bullets will have hit a wrong target.

After about months of trying to find the wanted group, an anonymous tip is what brought them there. Of course no questions were asked how or who sent them. But tips are tips after all.

The group has been operating an underground drugs syndicate. And Natasha was the one who was most ecstatic when she heard of the news. She has been itching to fire her trigger finger for weeks. So hearing that she could use her guns as much as she wants for this mission was like a dream come true to her. Clint understood her tendencies, though she did creep out Tony and Sam a bit at training.

Steve open his mouth ready to bark another order as he hid behind a building with the bullets raining in the background when static rang in his earbud.

"Are you fu*king kidding me?" It was a female voice. No wonder agitated and annoyed by the tone. It just gotten Steve more confused. What was Nat saying?

"Nat, what are you-"

"Guess again, babe." The familiar nickname made him grin, as if he wasn't in a war zone in the moment.

"[Y/N], it's nice to hear from you. It's been so long-"

"What the hell, Steve." She hissed. Steve could practically imagine her pissed and glancing at what he did. She must've already come back from her trip.

"I assume you already saw it."

"Answer the damn question, Steve. What the hell?" She repeated, glaring at the contraption in front of her.

"I thought you'd like it." He shrugged.

"Why would you put a goddamn hammock on my meadow?"

Steve deflected another bullet coming his way with the shield before he replied cooly. "It also doubles as a swing."

"Take it down. I don't like it."


"It's too big. It needs at least 2 people to be a swing."

Steve couldn't get if that was a good enough reason so he asked again. "And?"

There is a bit of silence it was obvious that [Y/N] was debating with herself. "It's no fun to swing alone," she grumbled lowly. Steve could just picture her pouting.

"Alright," Steve chuckled, and so the truth is revealed. "I'll be right there."

"Let me just finish up with the mission."

Her tone quickly turned cheery and a spring was added to her step. "Hurry, babe."

"I know, sweetheart." Steve couldn't stop himself from saying, the words rolling out of his tongue naturally. The call ended and Nat's worried voice rang in his ears.

"Rogers?!" The redhead called, expecting a reply this time. "Where the hell are you?!"

"I'm over here!" He called out, running towards the next building as the surroundings cleared up for him.

"What happened, Steve? We couldn't reach you?" Nat asked half worried, half annoyed. She was holding two guns in her hands and a relaxed expression as if being in a gunfight was a natural reoccurrence to her.

Captain's Vigilante • Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now