Chapter 17

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(A/N: this is about of a filler but I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. Enjoy~ 😊)

"Hola, baby," [Y/N] greeted as she picked up her phone.

"Hey to you too, sweetheart," Steve greeted back, he could already see the smile on her face. His heart clenched at the thought of seeing her. It's been so long that it felt so foreign to be away.

"You sound so tired," [Y/N] pointed out. There was a drag on his words and the little sigh he did was a dead giveaway. "Is anything wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just a slow day." Steve fixed a few scattered papers on his desk, [Y/N] snorted once she realized what it was. "I thought that was supposed to be good for the avengers? Less jobs meant less crime, right?"

"Yeah, but still," he sighed, reclining back to his chair. He would gladly do anything else other than these. Like be with her for example. "It means I could've just spent time with you rather than these papers. But I'm stuck here doing an office job."

"Awwww..." [Y/N] giggled, feeling her heart grow two sizes at her man's confession. "You miss me, that's so cute."

"Could you blame me? You're growing on me. Like a rash." She instantly laughed. Steve's tongue was earning sharpness and she loved it. Steve's inner Brooklyn badassery slowly seeped in to their relationship
And she couldn't be anymore happier with her captain's quick wit. "Ow... that hurts, babe."

A truck passed [Y/N] and the sound of heavy tires driving on uneven concrete made its way to Steve's line. He cringed, but held his thoughts back. "Where are you? You don't sound like you're in the apartment?"

"Yeah, I'm working a job. Taking advantage of the Avengers' busy day." Steve snorted, rolling his eyes at how she sounded pretty cheerful. "Ha ha, funny."

Steve's laughter finally died down. He distanced the phone away to take a breath. This was where the honesty clause in there relationship comes in. "Where?" He blurted out, fingers anxiously tapping on top of his table, not wanting to sound so pushy.

"At a pier, in Europe," [Y/N] honestly answered, leaning back on a crate. "Just delivering a package."

Steve bit his lip, stopping himself from asking anymore her questions. She has already answered him, now it's his job to understand.  "Just be safe okay?"

[Y/N] smiled, hearing the absolute defeat in his voice as he tried to come through with his promise. "For you."

There was the sound of tires screeching reaching in a distance, followed by quiet and calculated footsteps. He could hear her rustling, as if she was fixing something. Steve was about to that ask when [Y/N] got to him first. "After this, I'm gonna have a few days off. How about you?" Her voice didn't change, it was still calm and collected.

Steve sighed out, leaning at his chair and picking up a stack of folders and dropping them on the table. "There's a sea of paperwork that would tie me over until next week."

"That's no fun." Steve couldn't agree anymore. [Y/N] knew how he hated doing his paperwork. She watched him through his office's security camera too many times to count and chuckled when he would sigh and drop his head on the table in defeat. It caused her to burst out in laughs and call Steve to make sure he was okay. "I have an idea, but I'm not sure you'd like it."

Captain's Vigilante • Steve RogersМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя