Chapter 12

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"Steve, why? What's wrong?" She asked right before he bolted.

"Steve!" Natasha shouted but he just kept running away. He had to make sure she was alright; or at least that she wasn't behind this massive set up. Steve knew nothing else could be making that interruption. He already saw it happen countless of times, even helped her for a few. This was too easy this time, for them to fall into one of her traps. It was either she was caught out of guard or she was taunting Tony again, this time with less care than last time. Frankly, he doesn't know which one is the lesser evil.

He turned the knob on his comms, moving the station to an empty one.

"[Y/N], I know you can hear me. Where are you?"

As if the communications had a mind of its own, it picked its own radio to one with a female voice that Steve knew all too well. "Right here, Stevie."

"You need to escape. Tony and the others know you're here and they're coming. They're blaming you."

It was only a confidential mission that consisted the three, Steve, Bucky and Natasha. The three agents were assigned to captured who had hacked the building and made everyone here be their little puppet for almost a week now, keeping everyone there hostage for reasons unknown. The sources were unreliable but the deal was too great to pass up and Steve wouldn't forgive himself if they didn't made sure. But when they got here, the whole building was clean, no people and no evidence. Everything seemed too fishy. Bucky volunteered to make another sweep of the place to try and find anything when Natasha and Cap decided to call the avengers tower for a report if they even had the right place. A quick phone call to the group, Tony quickly responded that he received anonymous intel that [Y/N] was there with them and he, along with the rest of the group is on their way. He even brought Bruce for a possible code green. Without much evidence, he was convinced it was another set up by [Y/N] and he wasn't going to let her get away with this one. They were prepared to take [Y/N] whether she wanted to or not. And Steve wasn't going to let that happen.

"I'm trying to help!" She sounded frustrated herself. It was honest and Steve knew it. She also received the intel only that morning so she had little information to work with but she wanted to do something and not sit idly by at such juicy info. She didn't even know Steve would be there too. It now has caught more of her attention though because she, herself, couldn't find any clues.  And she was the best at that. Now that she heard that the rest of the avengers would come crashing the party, she was pissed that they ended her fun.

"I don't think they understand that."

"You have to go," Steve ordered, yet it sounded more like a plea than anything else. "I don't want you to be caught in the middle of this."

The silence was deafening; she debated whether it was worth it to contradict Steve at this moment. Her plan to surprise the avengers was already jeopardized anyway. She can let him have his way this time, only this time. [Y/N] sighed. "Alright."

Steve released a held breath. "Thank you."

He heard her grumble and he could almost picture the annoyed pout a woman of her caliber must be conjuring right now. "I"m just worried about you."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, babe."

He could hear her footsteps through the comms. She must be turning back. He should too. But he heard stumbling and guns firing. He held the bud closer to his ear to hear the muffled sounds from the other line. He could hear someone's faint heavy breathing and he's sure it's not [Y/N].

"Oh, hello." Steve heard [Y/N] chuckle out. Before any more words would be exchanged, different objects shattered including her communications, enough to make Steve run back to base just to hear the rest of the fight.

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