"Mm, sure you do... that's why you can't keep your hands off him."

She rolled her eyes and gave me a quick hug goodbye before stomping out. Tobias had grown on me. He was the most mannered foreign Rockstar I'd ever met. I reached for the remote, deciding to spend the rest of my afternoon binging Netflix. It took my mind off the eerie feeling when I was home alone.

It wasn't long before I heard footsteps. I paused the show and shook the uneasy feeling. Maybe she had forgotten something.

"Scarlett," Isabella sang with giddiness in her voice. I heard her footsteps come nearer and wondered what could be the cause.

Isabella leaned against the doorframe with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Godzilla is here."

I narrowed my eyes. "ha-ha real funny. You sure got me."

She shrugged and raised her eyebrow. "Go look for yourself."

Her face was serious. She wasn't kidding. Elias was here. In the flesh. I couldn't believe it.

"Elias is here? Like as in he's outside? "I asked, to make sure I heard her correctly.

Isabella widened her eyes and nodded. I jumped off the bed, throwing every shoe in my closet up in the air. I couldn't find a pair that matched. Reaching for the only paired shoes, boots, I pulled them on in a panic. I tousled my hair and adjusted my bra.

"Do I look okay?"

She did a once over. "Shorts and a crop top. Doubt he'll have complaints." Slapping my butt, she pushed me out the room. "Now, go talk to your Godzilla."

I took a deep breath and walked to the front door. There was slight hesitation as my hand pulled down on the handle. I leaned against the door, my eyes raked over him before I could even register they were. It's like they were in a trance. Running over his black boots, to his fitted distressed black jeans, all the way to his leather jacket where his white T-shirt underneath stretched in all the right places.

His eyes did the same with no sign of distaste in my clothes of choice. We were doing the thing we always did when we first saw each other. Sharing silence, taking each other in and having the world melt around us.

I snapped out of it as he took a step closer. "Hey," he said, tucking the strand of hair behind my ear.

Moving his hand, I squinted my eyes at him. "We can cut the greetings short. What can I do for you, Mr. Castellano?" I hissed, with as much venom as I could. "Another scandal of some sort? Or are you lost and need some sense of direction?"

He winced. "I deserved that." He stepped closer, staring deep into my eyes. "I'm not lost, Scarlett. I'm exactly where I want to be."

I straightened my back and focused on the rose bushes rustling in the wind. Looking at him was too much. "Is this about work?"

He rested his hand against the door and tilted my chin to meet his eyes. "This is about us. I want to take you somewhere."

Elias stepped back. I noticed his car was nowhere to be seen. Had he parked in the street? I swayed my head to the side, past his arms and peaked at the driveway.

You're kidding me.

I pressed my hand over his head then his cheek. He gave me a look. I took my hands off his face and pointed at the black motorcycle.

"Huh, you don't have a fever but you must be out of your mind if you think you're whisking me away on that thing."

He chuckled. His gaze was hard and determined. "We're pressed for time, it took me a little longer than expected to get things ready. My bike is easier to maneuver through traffic. But don't worry munequita, I'm a skilled driver."

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