23- One down

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I woke up to someone roughly shaking me.

"Come on, oh my god!" A familiar voice whisper yelled.

As they went to shake me again I found my reflexes took place and my eyes snapped open as I jumped on my attacker. Before quickly looking around and down at my attacker.


I got off him and sat back on the worn mattress. I brushed a piece of stuffing off the fabric that was hardly threads keeping it together.

"I had he strangest dream..." I froze and looked back at him.

He stood up next to the mattress. "It wasn't a dream... that's right.."

He faced me, "come on," he grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "We gotta go."

I stumbled after him. "Why?" "We just do, okay!" He snapped.

"Where's Tim?"

"He will catch up."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him. Through a forest...

I ran after Toby for a while, unamused of his iron grip still on my wrist.

"Can you let go?"

He was silent before.. "no." I noticed his grip tighten even more.

I winced, "you're hurting me!" I tripped on a rock and fell straight onto of him. The surprise made him release me. We rolled through the wilted and dead leaves of the forest around us. We ended up falling into a ditch. I landed on top of him with my back digging into his stomach. My eyes shut tight and hands clenched on his arm. I heard him gasp for breath before he weakly pushed me off him. I opened my eyes hesitantly and watched him gasp for breath. I the fall plus me must have winded him. "Sorry..." He just shook his head and sat up slowly finally catching his breath. "It's fine... I couldn't feel it anyway." I stood up and took his hand, helping him up. "Now where do we go?" I didn't let go of his hand, I was honestly quite shaken from the fall and didn't trust myself. He looked around for a little bit, taking note of where we were before grumbling, "this way." He didn't seem to mind me holding his hand and he didn't start to run again. Just walked. I frowned aching from the fall and grazes on my knees and left hand. I wondered how badly Toby was injured.

We walked for solid two hours not saying much until we came across a cabin. He bought me up to the door and slowly opened it. It opened after he gave it a good kick before leading me inside. "Kitchen is that way," he said pointing to my right "and your bedroom should be down the back there." I turned to look at the hall. I went to move to my bedroom when I was stoped by my hand. It was still linked with Toby's. "Thanks but um.. can you let go of my hand?" I swore his cheeks flushed before he spun to face away from me, taking his hand with him. I stood there for a second before walking down the hallway. "Which one is mine?" I called out looking at the three doors in front of me. "To your left," I spun around he was leaning against the hallway wall. "Okay..." I slowly entered the room and shut the door.

Surprisingly it wasn't empty.

There was a dresser, and a wardrobe. There was an actual bed with a nice frilly pink bedspread. It looked old but when I sat on the bed it felt nice and springy. Upon opening the wardrobe I found rows of Victorian style dresses. "Hey Toby! Who's clothes are these?" I called out. I heard a muffled voice call back, "they're yours now!"

I frowned. Not exactly my thing honestly. I closed the cupboard and laid down on the bed, only then noticing the pained design on the ceiling. Slowly my eyes closed.

-Toby's pov-

I paced around in my room. I checked on her earlier and she was asleep.

I had to get her out of that house. Tim went out to smoke last night and never came back. I think he got caught. I had to quickly take her away before he found us.

"Ugh.." I groaned and flopped down onto my bed.

I my mind wondered to when we were holding hands, my face flushed. That was embarrassing. As we walked along she kept looking around really cutely, no wonder Hoodie likes her. That's right.. I have no chance. But technically they aren't dating anymore since she doesn't remember him. I clenched my fists. No, I can't think like that. It's wrong.

I got up and walked into the kitchen grabbing a knife before calling out, "I'm going out, I will be back soon!"

I know leaving her is stupid since one of us might be found but I can't stay here, my meds aren't working and I'm going to go crazy. Now she is a human I won't be able to stop myself killing her.

It's strange seeing her though, especially since it is how she used to look.

Her hair is this pretty (h/c) colour and her eyes are a gentle (e/c).

I wonder if the saying is true that the best people go through the worst things.

I made my way to the closest town and found a good house.

If I recall correctly Slender said that the more time goes by the more her memory becomes permanently changed.

I slipped open the window and crawled inside.

My neck started to tick as the spell disappeared.

My skin tone once again became tainted with an unnatural grey. My neck cracked and my body twitched. Crazed laughter bubbled up in my throat.

I crept up the stairs and entered a young mans room.

He looked so peaceful and for a second I wondered what it would have been like to actually meet her as a human. Maybe become friends with her.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts of her.

I smiled and rose the knife above the young man.

"see you in hell."

Hola everyone.

I finally updated.

My ideas box is empty as shit tho so...

I'm trying Kay.

Enjoy anyways.

Feast away at my words with your eyes.

That sounded disturbing but oh well. You're reading a fanfic on killers like... you know.

Long sleeves hide scars ** Hoodie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now