14 - Confession

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GUYYS!!! I got a kitten!!! He is soooooo cuutteee!

Also, I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my book.
I really feel as if I'm just one of those people who sit on wattpad writing shit that no one will ever see so thanks, I love checking my notifications nowadays =^.^= Ik you guys have been waiting 13 chapters for this :)
On wid da book! (ps sorry it's a little short)

Floppity flop flop. That's all I've done today. Flopped onto my bed in frustration!

Why is life so boriiinnngggggg?

I frowned and brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them.

I made a list of things to complain about today in my head.

It's cold,

It's boring,

Love troubles,

Jeff is yelling downstairs..

Umm he does that a lot.

I rolled along my bed groaning. Then I ticced and found myself rolling along Masky's bed. I sighed into his pillow. He stood in the middle of his room watching the show. I looked at him. He looked at me.

I sneezed and teleported to the kitchen, landing on the island. I barley missed Toby's plate of waffles. He poked me. I turned to face him. I poked him. "HI!" he said all excitedly. "...hey..." I said quietly.

I got up and walked to Slender's office.

I knocked and he opened the door.

He looked down at me.

"hey Slendy, got any missions?"

He sighed, he doesn't like it when people call him Slendy. "Yes, come in."

I walked into his office and watched as he sat in his office chair thingy.

"Hmm," He said as he went through his files. He paused looking at one then shook his head and kept scrolling. "What was it?" I asked. "Don't worry about it, you would need to take someone if you went on that one." I frowned, "n-no tell me... please?" He looked at me for a couple of seconds then went back to the file. "You have to travel to (a town) and purposely get caught and get sent to an asylum," He said. I nodded. "But," he continued, "It's very risky if you can't control your teleportion." "Then teach me," I said without hesitation. He sighed and teleported us to the yard. 

"When you twitch or sneeze, practically when you teleport do you feel some sort of mysterious, magical feeling?" I thought for a second, "Yes, I do." He nodded, "Okay good, you need to access the magic yourself, try accessing it through your mind, eventually it will become easier and easier focus on the magic then try to teleport to a place you need to go or are thinking of or can see."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, searching through my mind for that feeling of magic. I smiled when I found it. I let it wash over me like a cool breeze. Then I thought of my room, I imagined myself forming there. I felt the temperature of the air change and I opened my eyes. I was in my room. The tingly feeling of magic stayed making me feel ethereal. Slender teleported into my room and looked at me. Seemingly thinking. "okay good, get one of the others then meet me at my office." I nodded.

I felt like I was walking on air as I made my way down the hallways looking for Toby. I would usually take Hoodz but... I think I need a break from reality. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I found myself tumbling down the stairs. I quickly teleported to the bottom of the stairs, saving myself. I was still woozy though and fell straight over but someone caught me. I looked up to see I was in Hoodie's arms. "You ok?" He asked. "Y-yeah sorry," I gushed. He looked down, "I th-think we should talk," he stuttered. I felt my heart drop in worry. "I'm a-about to go on a mission though.." I trailed off. "then I will come too," he said. Well so much for a break.

We walked to Slender's office in silence. I was mentally cursing myself for not watching where I was going. As soon as we entered the office I was sure Slender could practically taste the tension in the air. He told us the details of the mission and soon enough we were walking through Slender Forest.

I teleported us to the town and we killed people in the daylight disguised as normal people. Soon enough police turned up and we were taken to the police station. We acted ecstatic and crazy and we were put into the asylum.

For the next few days we observed the asylum and the people, after finding no one useful and the conditions were terrible we teleported out of there and blew the place up after setting it alight. Then I teleported us back to Slender Forest.

Hoodie and I said nothing just walked. He was clearly in deep thought. The silence was unsettling and suffocating. I think I should just tell him the truth about how I feel. 

I sighed and opened my mouth but he spoke first. "What's going on?" he sighed, "Why are you avoiding me?" I was speechless. "I-" but he cut me off, "I'm sorry for what ever I did, I just wish things would go back to the way they were but... they can't," He whispered the last part. What does he mean, 'they can't'? "Wh-why not?" I asked quietly.


"Because I love you (y/n)."

(y/n) that's my name, I haven't heard it in so long.

Long sleeves hide scars ** Hoodie x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin