19 - Blood

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It was silent at the dining table.

I swear almost everyone was staring at me.

After about five minutes of almost fading away Slender stood up abruptly.

In surprise I teleported onto the ceiling.

"Soul, to my office, now," he boomed.

He disappeared leaving me to nervously float down from the ceiling and out the door.

I eventually reached his office staring up at the menacing door.

It flew open scaring me out of my skin.

I nervously entered the room.

"When did you get back."

"I never left, Hoodie told you all!" I exclaimed in frustration.

I stood up from the chair I had sat in and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

I was confused and upset.

I took a bee line for my room. Failing to notice that someone stood in my path. I collided with them, knocking us both to the ground. My elbow slammed into the ground behind me making me cry out in pain.

"Oh my gosh... S-soul sorry," I instantly recognized the voice and the black gloved hand that offered me assistance to stand. I grabbed it and looked up at him, smiling softly, "thanks Hoodie."

We walked to my room peacefully holding hands.

As soon as we entered I grabbed my killing clothes and my weapon, locking myself in the bathroom to change. I know we are dating but 1. it's still embarrassing and 2. I didn't want to be questioned about my freshly scarred body. I quickly changed and slipped my weapon into my pocket. I quietly opened my door.

"I'm sneaking out, if you like you can come with," I stated quietly pulling open my window. He watched me as I slid out my window landing swiftly on my feet like usual. I didn't hear him follow so I assumed he decided not to come but as I started to walk away I heard another small thud and my gloved hand was once again swept up into his grasp. "I'm coming," he said and I nodded.

My chest still fluttered despite the sinking feeling eating away at me.

We walked in silence, it was a bit tense since I hadn't seen him for a while but eventually I settled into killing mode.

We soon reached town and I decided to go a bit deeper then usual, dragging him along back ally ways until we reached a house I decided was to my taste.

I faded through the door, unlocking it for Hoodie. My eyes flickered across the rooms and I made my way to the first bedroom. He followed me but instead headed for the second bedroom.

A grin made its way upon my face as I pushed open the door. A young teen girl a few years younger then me restlessly tossed and turned. I reached into my pocket and gripped the knife. I listened as a pain filled scream echoed through the night. Hoodie must have slipped up.

The girl's eyes snapped open and she sat up abruptly. "Who's there?" she whispered bravely. I stepped forwards letting my mask catch in the light. She gasped, "w-wait.. n-no!" She said shakily. "Y-your that killer." I chuckled sinisterly, "yes, I am aren't I?" I pounced on her pinning her to the bed, "you know what this means don't you," I grinned. "No.. NO! I Don't wanna die!" she cried. I laughed. "Well because you asked so nicely I can't let you die yet." Her eyes flickered with hope and confusion. "Lets have some fun first." "NO!" she screamed as I stabbed her in the wrist. "Isn't this fun?!" I exclaimed ecstatically, yanking in out of her wrist and tearing through her thigh laughing crazily. She let out a long scream, I furrowed my brows, that's one way to alert police, damn I didn't know she could scream so loud. I shook my head and growled she huffed wide eyed. I leant forwards breathing on her ear before I pushed up my mask with one hand and bit into her neck. With the process of becoming a creepypasta I never realised that my teeth must have become sharper. I bit into her tender neck and smiled as blood rushed into my mouth. I heard Hoodie enter the room so I quickly swiped my mask down and slit the girls throat swiftly. He grabbed my hand and dragged me out the window. My last fleeting glance of the girl was of her wide eyed, gripping her neck with her uninjured hand. I still had the metallic taste of blood on my lips and I felt some run down my chin in the process of the bite. Her blood was a new taste to me. It wasn't sweet or delicious or anything. It was strange and I wasn't sure if I liked it or not.

I shook my head out of my daze and realised Hoodie was still pulling me along. I started running faster, matching his pace. The police were closer then we thought and I watched as the cars rushed past us. Hoodie and I would have to end it with just that kill to stay away from the police tonight. I sighed, slightly frustrated. Images of the girl crying out as I hurt her kept flashing through my mind making me grin.

Suddenly I was pushed back into a tree. I looked around recognising that we were in Slender's forest. I looked back at Hoodie. He was breathing heavily and walked closer to me, putting one of his hands beside my head on the tree. He lifted my mask revealing my confused face before tearing off his own and crashing his lips against mine. I was taken aback at first but soon felt light and fluttery. I kissed back as we seemed to connect beings. My cold lips aGainst his own warm ones sent chills down our spines. I wrapped my arms around his neck deepening the kiss, leaning onto him more. Our first proper kiss, and it probably looked half as amazing as it felt.

Long sleeves hide scars ** Hoodie x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant