12 - HUGS!

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Hoodie just sat there on the windowsill having a stare down with me. I clenched my jaw. I hated having my mask broken. "Come on Soul-" I cut him off, "SOULLESS! You heard him!" Then I grinned and cocked my head to the side creepily. "He wants me you say?" I paused grinning wider and rolling my neck, "then tell him to come and get me!" with that I ran out the door and down the hall, smashing the window at the end as I jumped out before running down a complex of streets.

I could hear him following me, though never actually falling behind or gaining on me. The smile never left my face. I could hear his heavy breathing and footsteps as he tried to continue running. I knew this was tiring for him, but I ran with ease. Just to top it off I started laughing. My proxy symbol was burning but I didn't care. "Your forgetting!" I screamed into the night, making sure he could hear me. I faded a little and jumped into the air, before slowly floating down still at the same pace I was running. I rolled up my right sleeve because my proxy symbol literally caught on fire after I did it was so hot.

Suddenly we both stopped.

Static broke through the silence of the night at a deafeningly high pitch.

Hoodie cowered down, falling to his knees covering his ears.

I looked up to see Slender down the road.

Everything seemed to slow down around us.

Lights flashed and faded and the ringing grew worse trying to drive into my brain.

Trying to kill me.

I refused to cower or fall and looked Slender exactly where his eyes should be.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" his voice boomed, sending a rush of air towards me.

I held my burning wrist in front of me and watched as the flames died down.

"THE FUCK!?" I exclaimed.

No symbol was left...

just a clean wrist.


I'm not human anymore am I?

"How is this possible?" I jumped to see Slender right in front of me.

"You tried to kill me."

"No I was trying to make you black out." Like Hoodie I guess.

"Did you disown me or something?" I asked referring to my missing symbol.

"No... This has never happened before..." he trailed off, the static finally dispersing.

"You only have human proxies," I observed.


"Am I human?" I asked, a grin stretching across my face.

He just stood there not replying.


"break our contract."

"why wou-" I cut him off.

"just do it."

The air around me suddenly grew cold and I watched as a silver orb floated above his hand. "This will kill you, I took your soul." "Just do it. If I die.. Tell Hoodie I love him." He nodded and smashed the orb. I felt my breath instantly catch in my throat and I emitted a choking sound, falling to my knees. An excruciating pain shot through my body. I smiled and fell to the ground.

"Wow great acting skills but I meant kill you instantly."

I opened one eye. "haha--" I started coughing. Then suddenly I was behind Slender.



He turned around, looking quite amused. "So wanna sort everything out?" he asked. I nodded quickly. "Firstly... I-I'm sorry I was just.. upset," I said quickly. He nodded, "Yes Masky's behavior was irrational but it leads me to believe you already knew about the situation." I nodded, "yeah he told me that night.. may I ask, who actually told you?" "hmm... LJ." "WHAT!? of all people... that giggly fucker..." I started cussing under my breath. I coughed again randomly and appeared beside Hoodie. "Umm..." Slender once again turned. "So I have explained to him that it wasn't you since his earlier out burst. Of all people I wouldn't expect you to run in anger... Jeff is more of one to do that." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "Slender... don't tell anyone I'm not your proxy anymore. Can I still stay at the house? Can we make a new contract for like teleportation to cover up these weird what I suspect to be coughs making me teleport?" I pleaded. He nodded, "okay... we will talk more about your whole situation later," he said pressing his hand against my chest and making a new contract before teleporting away when Hoodie groaned finally waking up. I pulled down my sleeve. I wonder if I can still fade. I floated above Hoodie.

I think if I can float I can probably fade.

He jumped when he saw me above him.

I sneezed and teleported about three meters away.

"what the..." he said sitting up, "where's Slender?" "probably back at the mansion," I smiled letting my black hair (with red tips) frame my face as I tilted my head to the side cutely. "We made another contract! ps! he isn't angry with me."

He gave me a weird look.

I coughed again and suddenly teleported above him, landing on him with an "oof!" and a giggle on my behalf. "Sorry I can't really control it!" I squeaked quickly floating off him. "I'm sorry for running away..." I looked at my feet sadly. "Hey, it's okay... you good now? sh-... show me your arms..." I only pulled my left sleeve and hung my head. "You shouldn't listen to him..." he sighed standing up as I floated back to the ground beside him. He hugged me and I felt tears prick into my eyes again. I held his back tightly as I buried my face into his chest. He just patted my back as I hid my crying face.

We walked back to SlenderMansion. We caught up about life and I felt the guilt of not telling him I'm not a proxy eat me inside out.

Soon the mansion appeared in our line of sight.

I stopped in front of it and took a deep breath walking up to the door and opening it.

I stepped inside the door way then instantly stopped in my tracks.

Masky was standing about three meters in front of me.

I hung my head letting my fringe hide my face.

"S-Soul-" he choked out.

I pursed my lips together feeling tears trying to make another appearance.

"I-i didn't do it," my voice came out barely a whisper.

He walked up to me and grabbed me in a tight embrace, "sorry," he said, his voice full of sincerity.

I liked Hoodie's hugs better to be honest.

Long sleeves hide scars ** Hoodie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now