10 - Secrets

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I went to bed before curfew. I'm kidding I pretended to go to bed. I waited until everyone went to sleep. I sat up in my bed, smiling a crazed smile. I changed into my signature black hoodie and outfit. You see, the truth is I have a secret.

It's been a while since I discovered my feelings for Hoodie, he has been better for a while now, Sally is better too.

I grabbed my dagger and pulled my gloves on. I adjusted my mask and pushed the window open. I jumped two stories from my window and dashed off towards town. I made my way over to the first house I saw. It was a peachy colour. The foolish resident left their windows unlocked, it was too easy. I snuck inside the house and located the bedroom easily. There was just one, middle aged, woman living in this house. I smiled insanely under my mask as I watched her sleep silently. I crept into the most shadowed corner of her room and started talking to wake her up. "Miss, I need to tell you a story," I said. She stared to stir. "Please listen," I chuckled darkly. She woke up to my chuckling and froze. She pretended to sleep, her heart was racing and her soul was terrified. "I know your awake," I hissed. She hesitantly sat up and pressed herself against the head board of her bed. She looked around frantically for her phone. Until her eyes settled upon my shadowy figure. "Have you hear of me miss?" I asked, "They call me Soulless!" I said raising my voice and flying at her. I drew my dagger and she screamed as I smashed it into her wrist, pinning it against the headboard. She started to cry. "Please, god, let this be a nightmare," she cried. I slid the knife out of her crumbled wrist. "You see, I gave up all hope," I said as I stabbed her other hand which was reaching for her phone. She screamed again. "I wanted to die, I gave up." I yanked it out harshly making her wince and cry more. I lifted her shirt and traced lines on her stomach. "I had nothing to live for," I growled and stabbed her stomach. She let out another shrill scream into the night. "I was gonna kill myself until someone changed me," I said while ripping the knife along her stomach, watching her insides spill as she screamed in agony and started loosing consciousness. "That was before I found out about this!" I yelled and stabbed my dagger into her eye and brain, killing her. "Long sleeves hide scars." I smiled a sadistic smile.

"I think you should take a rest."

Yeah that's my secret I don't want any one in the mansion to find out.

I ran from the house and into the forest towards the mansion.

I'm a sadist.

I love seeing people in pain, it brings me an insane joy.

I don't know why I retold my story,

I just know that most people in the mansion kill swift and quick.

I love watching their agony.

By the time I reached the mansion I was still smiling sadisticly. I will be on a high 'till I go to bed probably. I swear Smiley could be my best friend sometimes because he is a sadist too. But.... he uh, he has some sort of charm which draws girls in and I'm the only girl who hasn't slept with him. I don't seem to be affected, luckily. Still he touches me/attempts to every time he sees me or is near me. I crept around the mansion until I could see my window. I floated up to it along the wall, staying hidden. I rolled in through my window. I stood up quickly and checked around incase anyone was in my room. I sighed looking at the blood on me. I changed into a red hoodie and white sweat pants. I put my dirty outfit in the hamper and when into the bathroom. I washed my face and any blood on the rest of my body off. I wiped my mask and hung it on the hook. I shut off the light and was about to lock my door when I heard the handle rattling. I squeaked in surprise and quickly dashed over to my bed, jumping under the covers and pulling them over my bed. I used my X-ray vision to look through the sheets. From the corner of my eye since I was facing away from them and towards the wall. I saw someone stumble in, I could hear them sniffing as if they were crying. Now I wouldn't usually be weirded out if it was someone like Sally, but no, it wasn't. It was a grown man, kinda if seventeen counts. The person shut my door and locked it. I tensed up then they started sobbing quietly. The stumbled over to my bed and sat on the end and put a hand on my arm. Me still being confident from my earlier killing startled them by talking. "What do you want?" I asked, my voice slightly muffled from the sheets. I snickered when I felt them jump. "I-I.." I heard a familiar voice trail off sobbing. "Masky?" I asked, surprised. "I don't have my mask..." I turned invisible and slipped out of the sheets and past him and grabbed my mask from the bathroom and pulled it on. I tried to wipe the smile still hinting at my face from earlier. He just sat there with his face in his hands. God what is it? Like two in the morning. I sighed. "Bro, why didn't you go to Hoodie or something?" I asked. "You were up, a-a-a-and h-he wasn't and anyway, I don't want to talk to him a-about this," he cried. I sighed and sat next to him, leaning on his shoulder. "So what's up?" I asked. "W-well, I... uh well," he sighed and removed his hands and hung his head. My eyes widened at the sight of his bare face. He wasn't actually that bad looking, I felt heat rise to my cheeks but quickly shook my head and tried to brush it off, I liked Hoodie. I stared at the ground and blushed. "I know this is against the rules of the mansion, so please don't be mad but... I- I fell in love with a human girl..." he trailed off and I felt my lips instantly purse into a straight line. He had broken a rule, a big rule. Rules at Slendermansion are pretty strict and with us being proxies they are even stricter. I sighed and scowled at the ground. "Any way," he continued, sadness evident in his voice, "I started to talk to her and hang out with her for these last few months. I often snuck out when you did..." my eyes widened, I hadn't even noticed, "then tonight I told her how I felt and I was rejected harshly. It turned out she was faking her kindness the whole time because I looked like some homeless freak. She called me a creep, a freak, a stupid psychopath. Then she went to call the police..." he trailed off sobbing. "So you killed her?" I asked softly. He nodded shakily then broke down and hugged me, crying into my shoulder. "It's okay, you did what you had to do," I said softly and rubbed circles on his back, "it was inevitable anyway," I said even quieter. We stayed this way for a good amount of time until he stopped crying. I pulled back holding him up by his shoulders. He cried himself to sleep. I sighed, feeling sorry for the guy. I laid him down on my bed and pulled the covers over him. Now there's one issue... where can I sleep. I mean I could go to his room but... do I really want to? Not really. I grimaced and looked back at him on the bed. I sighed and laid down on the floor.

Long sleeves hide scars ** Hoodie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now