20 - What's wrong with Jack?

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Sorry sorry sorry I have been soooooo busy lately ahhhh!

We have hit 8k and I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated I have bad writers block


I know you were waiting so looonngg

I have just had 0 motivation and ideas until now, kinda forced myself until, BOOM IDEAS IDEAS!! luv y'all

We fell to the floor in a hot mess. Our lips churned together with a burning force. I didn't even comprehend what I was doing until he pulled away and spat on the ground. "I-is that blood?!" He exclaimed. Realisation hit me, I drank her blood, he tasted it. Oh god. "U-uh y-y-yeah.." I said nervously. "Did I hurt you?" He asked trying to inspect my mouth. I gulped. "N-no no I'm fine."

"Wait was that-" he was cut off by a person looming over us.

Slender p.o.v


A scream shook the mansion to its very basement.


Several ran around looking for her in the mansion and the others were searching the forest. Except Clockwork and Jane, they had disappeared again.

Masky sat at the table eating cheesecake. He refused to help.

"Found em!" Jeff's voice broke the tension between me and my disobedient proxy. I turned around to face them, a menacing aura surrounding me. They were quiet. Hoodie drooping his head guiltily, but Soul looking at me directly in a challenging way.

I sighed.

"Hoodie go to your room, Soul, your coming with me."

Jeff threw Hoodie and Soul down before sulking off. I called off the others.

I started walking, straight out the front door. Soul followed obediently after me.

"You shouldn't sneak off." "You shouldn't forget I exist." "We need to talk." "Ok talk," she retorted.

"We are making steps to find out what the hell you are," I explained. "Jeez that was a nice way to put it," she mumbled sarcastically. "What's wrong with EJ and Masky? I noticed they were both acting up strangely." "I don't know what's wrong with Masky," I said dismissing it pretty fast. "And jack?" She questioned. "Something went wrong after your, ahem, disappearance." She tilted her head and looked at me as gesture to continue. "He did something in the lab and has been weird since, we've uh been keeping him within our vision."

She turned around and walked away. God she was ever feisty.

(Souls pov)


I was kinda mad. I literally haven't even gotten to know EJ, and now he's done something weird.

I want to talk to him but.. oh fuck it let's go.

I walked back inside the house and started going from room to room looking for him. I enter the lounge, "h-hey, w-where's EJ?" I asked quietly. "He should be with Dr smiley checking up on his issue again downstairs in the lab," someone answered me. "O-okay thanks."

I headed towards the laboratory. Dr smiley, quite the sketchy fellow. Pretty sure I've mentioned him before. Probably something along the lines of gets any girl he likes, strange and seductive. At least I think I have I don't really talk about The others much. I of course I'm not attracted to him. Because Hoodz is life. I reached the laboratory door and walked down the hallways. I came across a closed door. I could hear talking inside. I put my ear against the door but it was too quiet definitely not like you would consult the patient. I cracked the door open a little and listened in.

I heard a muffled grunt and a slimy voice chuckle. "Don't worry Jackie soon it will be over again." That was suspicious. I continued listening. "Soon as we got this into you, you can go! But you do remember if you hadn't gone in there, if you hadn't seen her then I wouldn't be doing this you now. I mean it was fine until she came back. But we had to get them used your strange behaviour." He was definitely talking about me. "Don't worry soon as Clockwork and Jane come back it'll all be over. We've just gotta grab Hoodie, her and you of course. I know for a fact she is the one." The door cracked open a little more squeaking. "someone is here." Shit I thought and went invisible, slipping through the door. "Who's there? Where are you?" And a muffled grunt probably for help. I was horrified when I saw Jack, tied up and gagged with a needle halfway into his arm. I removed the needle while Smiley had his back turned. Jack grunted again. He had bandages covering his eyes, black ooze was staining through. It didn't look forced upon him though. It kinda surprised me to be honest. But I guess he is called Eyeless jack for a reason.

I heard tutting.

"This is no good, no good," it was behind me. "I knew I should've been more careful with you Jack, dearie dearie me. I hoped I wouldn't have to go so soon. Of all the people who could've found me and I could've done the same to as jack. It's just hard to be you, didn't it Soulless? For fucks sake!" He lunged at me and I became visible, instantly grabbing my knife.

"What the fuck of you been doing to Jack?" I said lunging at him. A scalpel met my own blade. "Never question the doctor," he growled. "Don't you mean, traitor?" I said through my grit teeth.

I kicked him away and tried to cut Jack's ropes. He was soon on top of me. "No touchy," he hissed in my ear. "No touchy me you asshole!" I yelled elbowing him in the face. "Oh that wasn't very nice," he in a less playful tone cracking his neck. "Well neither was what you did to Jack," I retorted. "I am going to catch you and torture you so fucking hard you little bitch I will rip you apart limb by limb!" He cackled, his eyes going red. He jumped on me, we crashed to the ground hard. He grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head back into the ground over and over and over until my vision went back. The last thing I heard was an animalistic growl and the doctor yell in pain before I was out cold.

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