4 - Hoodie

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I don't like my parents who are mean and cruel,

I stared at the bitches laying in their bed,

I know how they take me for an idiot, a fool,

Oh how much I'm gonna love to have their heads.

My long sleeves hide scars.

I thought about it, if they die it won't matter because I'll die afterwards. I go into my room and grab another knife, one I really like. It's my only good possession. It's blade and handle are black. But there is a little white rose at the top of the handle. It's so simple yet beautiful. I look through my wardrobe and change into another dark grey, almost black hoodie. It is thinner and less baggy. It was a cold night so I wore a long sleeved shirt under it. I pulled the hood up and made my way over to my parents room. I looked at the beautiful weapon in my hand. They looked so peaceful. If I didn't know better I could almost think that they were a normal family, a normal, loving, couple.

As I stared at them I stared to feel angry. The rage grew stronger and stronger inside of me until I couldn't keep it in any more. I stabbed my father straight in the neck, I knew he would be the hard one to take down. I listened as he gurgled on his blood. It was almost music to my ears. Then I moved onto my mother. I clasped a hand over her mouth stabbed her in the stomach. She made a muffled scream and I smiled. It felt good. Waiting her life seep away. She tried to push me off but the sudden burst of energy I had made me quicker. I slashed her neck. Just as she managed to push me off, thanks to my lack of weight she went limp. I hit the floor hard. "Ow, ow, ow," I said getting up. I slipped the dagger into my pocket.

I went to the cupboards in the bathroom and searched until I found a bottle of bleach. I started tipping a trail of it around the house. When I'd been in all the rooms I grabbed a match box and made a trail to my door. I tipped the last of the bleach on the door step and looked around for the hooded man. He was right behind me. It made me jump. He stayed silent, I liked how he did that. He didn't question unless he felt like it. He just watched as she let the match and threw it in the bleach. It lit up and the heat pushed me back in surprise. The hooded man caught my fall and put me on his back. He ran back into the forest with me on his back still.

I clung onto his back in fright and surprise. I squeezed my eyes shut tight and shoved my face into his hooded neck. He continued to run until we were pretty deep in the forest. Then he just walked. I detached my hands from his shoulders and wrapped them around his upper torso. "Who are you?" I asked quietly, more to myself then him as I didn't expect him to hear me. "My friends call me Hoodie," he said. I just leant my head on his shoulder. "Are you going to kill me?" He didn't reply. I didn't know how to feel, happy or sad that he might kill me. Eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up next to a river in a small clearing. My mind was fuzzy but I remember what happened. He must have left me here. It was surrounded by trees so I guessed I was still in the forest. I stared at the river water blankly. I traced pictures in a patch of dirt. I made no attempts to find my way out or do anything. I didn't care if I died. I frowned, I wish no one could see how I feel. It's easy enough for Hoodie, he has some ski masky thing to hide his face. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my reflection in the water. My face and hands had dirt on them. I washed my hands in the cold water before slashing it on my face, cleaning it up. I frown at my reflection in the water. I look dead, my skin is pale and my cheeks are boney. If I had a mirror I'm guessing you would be able to see my ribs. My eyes looked tired and dull. I looked away from the reflecting not being able to bare looking at it any longer.

After an hour or so I decided to get up. I stood up shakily and tried to stay up right. I was barely able to get over to the trees before my knees collapsed. I had a massive headache and my vision was blurry. I sat down with my back leaning against the tree. I sighed before my vision clouded even more and then went black.

After a while I woke up again. Back in front of the river. I stared at it, thinking, with my lips pursed. I looked along the tree line and after spotting no one I pulled my dagger out. I ran my thumb over the rose in soft circles. I decided to kill myself. I lifted my sleeve so my wrist was visible then I pressed the blade onto it. But before I was able to cut deep I heard a strange, high pitched, ringing noise. I shoved the blade back in my pocket and turned around weakly. A strange slender, man-like creature stood behind me in the centre of the clearing. He wore a suit, it was clean and crisp. He seemed to gaze at me but he had no eyes, he had no facial features at all. No nose, no mouth, no ears, no hair, he was completely devoid of features. Yet he seemed to speak.

"Child, why do you where that hoodie, when the air is quite warm," his deep, smooth but staticky voice broke through the high pitched buzzing and ringing.

I had an answer,

"Long sleeves hide scars.

Plus Hoodie wears one, but you don't question him..."

Hoodie's head popped out from behind the creature.

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