Authors note

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A lot of these chapters seemed useless, and that was the point. They were useless, and the two hardly ever did anything, but when they did something it was usually incredibly lame. And that was the point exactly. They never did anything. Yet they were always perfectly content with each other.

That was pretty much the point of this story. That, and the fact that even though she knew he was dying, she still wanted to be with him.

I had a lot of fun writing this and I'm grateful for those of you who commented and voted and messaged me about this story, it really meant a lot to me. So, I hope you liked this. it was different than all my others, so...

Anyways, go read my other stories. I love you and thank you(:

ps I know a lot of you guys don't like that she ended up with calum but I was 13 and I worked really hard on this and I love it so fight me bye

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