Day 13

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It was the second day they went to her house, and that day Luke was particularly nervous, because today Blaze's patents would be there. They would meet him, and they could very possibly hate him. And he was nervous.

"Luke, calm down. My parents are not strict at all, and they like pretty much everyone. They will definitely love you." She reassured him, and he nodded. They walked through the front door into the kitchen, where her parents sat. Her mother, with the long brown hair she passed to her daughter, smiled up at the tall boy.

"Hi! I'm Leanne, Blaze's mum. That's Edward, my husband," She gestured to the balding man with the moustache and built frame. The older man smiled and waved, taking a sip of his coffee. He seemed like more of a business man, whilst Leanne just seems like someone you'd meet at Glastonbury. "And we are just so happy to have you in our home. Make yourself comfortable." She said, and he smiled.

"Hi. I'm Luke. It's really nice to meet you." Blaze grabbed his arm with her left hand, holding a bag of crisps and a few cans of soda in the other. He grabbed the soda and smiled down at Blaze, and she smiled gratefully up to him.

"We are going to my room!" She shouted to her parents, before tugging Luke up the stairs. "See, that wasn't so bad."

That was the first time Luke Hemmings ever met her parents.

55 Days with Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now