Day 41

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"Please bless this food, that it can strengthen and nourish us. Please bless Luke as he goes through this hard time, and please bless Blaze as well as she accompanies him on this journey," Luke squeezes her hand, and she smiles. "And in the name of thy son, Jesus Christ, amen." Ben finishes the blessing as they all start dishing food up on their plates. Around the table, Liz and Leanne had bonded over recipes and the men had started talking about politics, or something else Blaze didn't understand.

"This is kind of cool. I mean, your dad is bonding with mine and my brothers, and our mums are talking about food. I think they like each other." Luke said, and Blaze stifled a laugh.

"You talk about them like they're wild animals." She said, and he rested his hand on her thigh.

"They kind of are." He said, and she looked at him.

"No, not at all. They are human beings."

"Are you sure about that?" He smirked at her, and she rolled her eyes. "Watch closely as the mama Hemmings goes for the cheesecake recipe, and the mother Johnson immediately reacts."

"You're an idiot. Also, I'm pretty sure it doesn't sound anything like that."

"Yes it does!" He exclaimed.

"No, it goes like this. The alpha of the Hemmings pack leads in his sons for the prey. But wait, this isn't a foe, it's a friend!"

"No, not even close." He said, and she gaped at him.

"What? I should be on a frickin' safari show because that was spot on!" The did that for the rest of the night, until Luke finally reigned champion.

That was the first family dinner between the Hemmings and the Johnsons.

(Sorry if the blessing was a little weird that's how my religion does it so idk about you guys)(please stop being dicks in the comments about other peoples religions bc your comments will get deleted anyways)(ps if you're mormon let's start a squad)

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