•Chapter 33•Final•

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"You've been here a few weeks and... I just wanted to know if you wanted to stay." Namjoon spoke, feeling his anxious nerves build up inside of him.

Yoongi snorted from the couch, eating a bowl of chips and watching the distressed man profess to a wall. "Is it seriously that difficult that you have to practice?"

He turned away from him, laying back comfortably on his couch, seeing as for once, Namjoon had actually come to Yoongi's apartment instead of vice versa.

Holly, of course, didn't mind this seeing as the small dog was sprawled upside down on the floor, head back and trying to chew on a toy ball that seemed twice his size.

"Have you ever asked someone to come live with you before? It's hard, okay?" Namjoon plopped himself down on the other couch that decorated Yoongi's living room. Yoongi scrunched up his face.

"Uh, I have Jungkook. And Holly. Excuse you."

Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but he asked you, and he's your brother. And Holly is a dog. That's a lot easier."

Yoongi threw a chip at Namjoon, successfully missing by a long shot. This drew Holly's attention away from his ball, and to the chip that promptly landed on the floor- right in his jurisdiction.

"Shut up," yoongi waved it off, casting a little smile to the dorky little dog. "You came to me for advice anyway. Just go with your gut, go ahead and just say what you mean. Don't muddle it up or make it some confusing sounding bull like literally every drama ever is based on.  It just takes a 'hey come live with me' and you're done."

Namjoon ran his hands down his face, leaning his head back and taking a long breath. Keep it simple, just go for it. Does that actually work?

It'd been weeks upon weeks since Jin and Tae moved in 'temporarily', but so much had happened, that he forgot it was originally not supposed to be a permanent arrangement. He just forgot that part. And he felt unsettled without a real confirmation that they wanted to stay, so it only felt right to bring it up. Namjoon hoped Jin needed his presence as much as he did his, knowing going back to his old life was going to be near impossible now that the older had appeared and stirred everything up.

One last thing came to mind, and Namjoon sat up, hands dropping from his face to his lap. "Hey Yoongs?"

"Yeah?" The older craned his neck from his bowl to spare a glance to Namjoon.

"Can you help me with one last thing?"

"If it's about sex I'm never speaking to you again."

Holly decidedly left before this conversation went any further, toting the far to big ball away with him.


Saturday, the best day of the week. Jin was going to stand by this statement until the day he died.

He woke up late, and much to his surprise to find the apartment empty. On Namjoons side of the bed had been a little note explaining that he had gone to Yoongi's, and hopefully would be back before long. Jin smiled slightly, folding the paper back up and setting it on the bedside nightstand before getting out of bed, feeling perfectly refreshed on an actual full nights sleep.

He expected to see Taehyung up and about, but instead found the house was without even his presence this morning. He frowned, seeing his phone on the counter and small piece of paper sitting underneath it. Two notes in one day. Was there no such thing as waking Jin up and actually telling him?

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